The Internet of Things is a network of Internet-enabled objects, together with web services that interact with these objects.
So a use case is a text description of how you want the system to work, who's involved and how they interact, how it all works when things go right, and what should happen when things go wrong.
They have to stitch quantum theory - our description of how very small things behave - together with relativity - the theory behind the way space, time and matter interact.
The brain requires the "Wi-Fi network" of consciousness so that the different computers can interact, hash things out and determine what you do.
大脑利用“意识”这个Wi - Fi网络将不同的“电脑”连接在一起,思考问题,并决定做什么。
Comprehensive and timely for the brother sister and passengers released around the size of things. We love, interact, communicate and share comprehensive information. Come on in.
However, this chapter is not just to introduce some of the things you have to think about when creating tools; it's about creating systems with which a user will interact.
However, this chapter is not just to introduce some of the things you have to think about when creating tools; it's about creating systems with which a user will interact.