You should decide exactly how it will be set up and run and explain this in the Interim Report.
Based on the committee's advice, the Director-General will provide an interim report to the World Health Assembly (WHA) in May 2010, and an expected second, final report to the WHA in May 2011.
It is well-focused question about whether interim financial report can help the information users to predict future expect income.
And most recently, the report of the Ebola interim assessment panel, chaired by Dame Barbara Stocking.
The notes on pages 22 to 42 form part of this interim financial report.
And the research to prediction value of interim financial report is helpful to increase the quality of listed companies' interim financial reports and to protect the investors' interest.
When the library's own stock has been covered, it is useful to give the reader an interim report.
The existing researches on earnings management are mostly based on annual accounting earnings; topic on earnings management in interim accounting report is seldom deeply studied.
Article 2 an interim financial report refers to a financial report prepared on the basis of an interim period.
One written term paper, including an interim progress report and oral presentation, is required. Below are project topics from past terms of the course.
In middle term, submit the interim project report, including the process of recovery implementation progress, recycling facilities' setting up, training minutes, posters, recycling records and etc;
项目中期,递交项目中期报告,包括回收实施情况、回收设施配置情况、培 训会会议纪要、宣传画、回收记录表等;
According to the stipulations of our stock market, listed company should issue its interim financial report periodically.
Submit the quarterly reports, annual reports, interim report and final report as required.
The Current Corporate Communication of the Company refers to Interim Report 2011.
The Current Corporate Communication of the Company refers to Interim Report 2011.