Somavia says the International Labor Organization is proposing a global job agreement to deal with unemployment.
It is this kind of muscular bilateralism which I believe points the way forward for climate negotiations and, ultimately, for an international agreement on emissions reductions.
Under the Berne convention, a long-standing international copyright agreement, copyright owners do not have to register in every country in order to protect their rights.
A tax on bank transactions is in the works, provided there is international agreement. Banks will be forced to offer everyone with a fixed address a basic account.
There is no international agreement to not leave trash in the skies — and all nations are being reckless.
Yet the difficulty of achieving international agreement on such complex territory suggests that this is very much a long shot.
Under this rule — which would require international agreement and federal legislation — the buying pressure on CDS would greatly diminish, and all outstanding CDS would drop in price.
And, the need for better international norms for governing cyber conflict is one of the few points of agreement between analysts.
Soldiers particularly feared chemical gas attacks because they could cause blindness, blistering and a slow, painful death. The weapons are now outlawed by international agreement in most countries.
A: You may have noticed that the International Atomic Energy Agency Director General ElBaradei has proposed a draft agreement on the nuclear fuel supply of Tehran's research reactor.
But most coastal states around the Arctic are not keen to have their hands tied by an international agreement of this kind.
There is an agreement among all the participants in the Geneva talks, so-called 'international discussions,' that an agreement, in principle, on the very fact that such a mechanism is necessary.
A deal between the two countries is widely seen as critical in reaching an international agreement.
Tuesday, representatives of 20 countries, as well as a dozen international organizations held a forum on the agreement.
The London-based miner said it signed a joint venture agreement with International Minerals Corp. to develop the Inmaculada gold and silver project in southern Peru.
该公司表示和国际矿产公司(International Minerals Corp)签署了建设合资企业的协议,在秘鲁南部开发Inmaculada的黄金白银矿藏。
According to a survey conducted in March and released by the International Republican Institute on Monday, 80% of Pakistanis supported the ceasefire agreement in Swat.
The negotiations for a new international agreement to curb emissions of greenhouse gases have stalled, making an agreement in Copenhagen by December difficult.
Algeria still insists, to the irritation of Morocco, that there should be a referendum under an international agreement signed in 2003.
The vote also delivers an important boost to the prospects of reaching an agreement for international action on climate change at Copenhagen this year.
The largest polluting countries have never agreed to binding cuts in an international agreement.
An international agreement to replace the Kyoto protocol, which runs out in 2012, does need to be reached.
An international agreement to replace the Kyoto protocol, which runs out in 2012, does need to be reached.