It's no wonder that new applications for the Internet of Things are moving ahead fast when almost every new device we buy has a plug on the end of it or a wireless connection to the internet.
5G will make the Internet of things possible.
5G 将使物联网成为可能。
People could also use 5G to power the Internet of Things.
人们还可以利用 5G 为物联网提供动力。
Unless these systems have adequate security protection, the internet of things could easily become the internet of new things to be hacked.
Dubbed "the internet of things", this is already making it possible, for example, to control home appliances using smartphone apps and to monitor medical devices remotely.
But the Internet of Things replaces these Internet-related actions.
Order gives way to chaos. The Internet of things turns on its makers.
Currently, the Internet of things is more consumer oriented, driven by consumer products.
Cloud computing, big data, the emergence of the Internet of things really subvert people's lives.
The Internet fridge is probably the most oft-quoted example of what the Internet of Things will enable.
Called the Internet of Things, it's seeping into some massive consumer industries. One of them is fitness .
Underlying the Internet of Things are technologies such as RFID (radio frequency identification), sensors, and smartphones.
The Internet of Things is a network of Internet-enabled objects, together with web services that interact with these objects.
After all, the Internet of things involves multiple levels of security, the need for continuous scanning vulnerability technology.
The point is, trends like the Internet of Things, big data and real-time data are poised to impact the human experience in many different ways.
Manufacturers have embedded 30m sensors into their products, converting mute bits of metal into data-generating nodes in the Internet of things.
The Internet of Things is increasing the pressure to provide connectivity, including smart grids for electricity, water and other utility services
See also Part 1 of our interview with Adam Greenfield, in which we discussed the impact of the iPhone and other smartphones on the Internet of Things.
With the rise of the Internet of things, it becomes more and more difficult to protect data privacy and security when the enterprise creates the product.
The Internet fridge is probably the most oft-quoted example of what the Internet of Things - when everyday objects are connected to the Internet - will enable.
IBM has launched a new product called Returnable container Management, which USES the Internet of Things to track and measure the usage of shipping containers.
IBM已经推出了一款叫做可回收集装箱管理(Returnable Container Management)的新产品,该软件采用物联网(Internet of Things)技术跟踪和衡量运输集装箱的使用情况。
Beyond updates, commenting, and news, the movement toward real-time will finally begin to fully realize the connection between the Web and the Internet of Things.
Stanford-Clark has set up various systems for real-time monitoring of the Internet of Things, many of them using Twitter (he calls the resulting tweets "tweetjects").
If the it industry keeps dragging its feet on moving to IPv6, a new address system that USES many more Numbers, the growth of the Internet of things will be stymied.
如果信息科技产业不断在过渡到IPv 6(一种使用更多数字的新地址系统)的过程中拖泥带水的话,那么英特网的成长步伐则将受到阻碍。
The Busan experiment is part of the trend toward the Internet of things, which USES wireless technology in products not usually associated with Internet connectivity.
Now is the time for executives across all industries to structure their thoughts about the potential impact and opportunities likely to emerge from the Internet of Things.
Now is the time for executives across all industries to structure their thoughts about the potential impact and opportunities likely to emerge from the Internet of Things.