They can set up the Internet. It gives these countries access to the information that is on the World Wide Web.
More and more public areas are hooked to the World Wide Web via wireless Internet, allowing people to connect in parks, coffee shops and plazas.
It's interesting to note that although the Internet has been around since 1969 - nearly as long as the NLS - it didn't take off until the advent of a hypertext system - the World Wide Web.
Before the Internet and the world wide web came along, this balkanised model was also the norm online.
It is also a spirit that informed Tim Berners-Lee's later World Wide Web (not the same as the Internet) when the Cern European particle physics laboratory released it royalty-free for anyone to use.
Cloud computing refers to the use and access of multiple server-based computational resources via a digital network (WAN, Internet connection using the World Wide Web, etc.).
Then, in the 1990s, the Internet and world wide web arrived on a mass scale, allowing the largely contradictory goals of mass marketing and niche targeting to be combined.
之后九十年代,互联网(internet)和万维网(world wide web)大范围的出现,使大众营销(mass marcketing)和市场定位(niche targeting)这两种目的相悖的策略合二为一。
From the early release of NCSA HTTPD and Mosaic, the tools that have made the Internet (and now the World Wide Web) useful have been predominantly open source.
从ncs a发布的httpd和Mosaic开始,构成互联网(和现在的万维网)的这些工具的大部分都已经是开源的。
The blogging phenomenon is possible because individuals can create Websites with the World Wide Web prefix, www, that can be seen by anyonewith Internet access.
Prediction: Gates's 286-page book mentions the World Wide Web on only four of its pages, and portrays the Internet as a subset of a much a larger "Information Superhighway."
预言 :盖茨这本286页的书涉及到万维网的部分仅有4页,而且将互联网描述为一条更为宽广的“信息超级高速公路”的一个子集。
Since email's invention in the 1960s, the internet and then the World Wide Web was born, which gave everyone an instant electronic printing press.
The World Wide Web (WWW), or the Web, is a collection of hypertext documents containing images, audio and video clips, and other files interlinked and accessed over the Internet.
万维网 (WWW)或Web是包含图像、音频和视频剪辑的超文本文档以及其他通过Internet互联和访问的文件的集合。
The Internet search engine Google also found its way into the dictionary for the first time as a verb, meaning to find information quickly on the world wide web.
Although, many people still think email and World Wide web as the principle constituents of Internet, there is lot more in store thane-mail, chat rooms, celebrity web sites and search engines.
Most people know the Internet through its applications: the World Wide Web, email, online social networking, streaming audio and video, instant messaging, file-sharing, to name just a few examples.
One of the most popular Internet applications is browsing sites on the World Wide Web.
Although it may sound strange to some people, neither the Internet nor the World Wide Web is a computer network.
By Internet making, we mean you can use the World Wide Web for sales and promotion.
Think of the Internet as the road carrying information between two computers; think of the World Wide Web as the village...., and the World Wide Web as the village.
With the world wide utilization of INTERNET, people are stepping into a distributed counting period around the WEB.
The convergence of technologies personified though the Internet and the World Wide Web is a driving force behind the transformation of business in particular... and society in general.
Thee Internet has been around for many years, but it was the invention of the World Wide Web that made it really useful to people.
Through the Internet and the World Wide Web, we are now experiencing a transformation in communication that is unrivaled in the history of civilization as we know it.
Use of the World Wide Web may facilitate access to unpublished work, although it will require a concerted effort to obtain accounting reports and seek per-mission to load them on the Internet.
Use of the World Wide Web may facilitate access to unpublished work, although it will require a concerted effort to obtain accounting reports and seek per-mission to load them on the Internet.