A nice cold hell where you can look up and see me help restore Mad Aerys's daughter to the Iron Throne?
Thee twins were apparently separated to to keep them safe since as Targaryen children they would both be in line for the Iron Throne.
He will swear solemnly before gods and men to henceforth remain a leal vassal of Harrenhal and the Iron Throne, and I will give him pardon in the king's name.
1: the Wars to Come: in the Season 5 premiere, Varys struggles to convince Tyrion to think outside the box while discussing a potential occupant of the Iron Throne.
Kevan Lannister had been here in this very hall when Tywin had laid the bodies of Prince Rhaegar's children at the foot of the Iron Throne wrapped up in crimson cloaks.
It is Martin's complex characters and suspenseful plots that have left readers and TV viewers unsure but desperate to find out what happens next in the battle for the Iron Throne.
Behind the table where the five members of the king's small council were seated the Iron Throne crouched like some great black beast its barbs and claws and blades half-shrouded in shadow.
Behind the table where the five members of the king's small council were seated the Iron Throne crouched like some great black beast its barbs and claws and blades half-shrouded in shadow.