The dispute is the most intractable in a series of financial services issues on the table at next week's top-level talks in Washington between the US and China.
One of the main issues in dispute has been whether U.S. troops accused of crimes in Iraq would be tried by Iraqi courts, or by the U.S. military.
In these forms of existence, the author lists different dispute that way for bribery crime, and leads to explain the main issues exist.
Of course, there are still some issues about the deliberation in civil society in dispute. The relationship between the deliberative groups in civil society and the state comes to the first.
In a dispute under this Agreement involving scientific or technical issues, a panel should seek advice from experts chosen by the panel in consultation with the parties to the dispute.
A dispute between team owners and players over such issues as salary caps and revenue sharing put the entire NBA season in peril.
One of the main issues in dispute has been whether U. S. troops accused of crimes in Iraq would be tried by Iraqi courts, or by the U.
The land dispute in rural China reflects the peasants' understanding of and identification with land issues.
The increasingly hostile dispute with Vietnam is set to dominate the inaugural US-China Asia-Pacific Consultations, a new forum to discuss regional issues, to be held in Hawaii on Saturday.
中越之间日趋敌意的争议,势必将主导首次中美亚太事务磋商(US-China Asia-Pacific Consultations),这个旨在讨论区域议题的新论坛将于周六在夏威夷举行。
The increasingly hostile dispute with Vietnam is set to dominate the inaugural US-China Asia-Pacific Consultations, a new forum to discuss regional issues, to be held in Hawaii on Saturday.
中越之间日趋敌意的争议,势必将主导首次中美亚太事务磋商(US-China Asia-Pacific Consultations),这个旨在讨论区域议题的新论坛将于周六在夏威夷举行。