After the July days, of which I will say later, the streets of the capital teemed with slander against the bolsheviks.
After the July days, of which I will say later, the streets of the capital teemed with slander against the Bolsheviks.
The father became ill on 2 July with fever, mild cold, then cough and was taken to the same hospital on 7 July where he died 10 days after onset.
The price of streaky and hounch pork been rising consecutively in the past 10 days up to July 18 arose by 0.1% to 8.30 and 9.21 Yuan per Jin (half kilogramme) respectively.
THE 97th Tour de France finishes on Sunday July 25th in Paris after 3,642km (2,263 miles) of cycling over 21 gruelling days.
THE 97th Tour de France finishes on Sunday July 25th in Paris after 3, 642km (2, 263 miles) of cycling over 21 gruelling days.
The latest bomb, on July 4th, caused a leak 500 metres from where workers were repairing damage from another attack three days earlier.
The programme was supposed to run until November 1st but its $1 billion was snapped up within days of its start on July 24th.
It was the end of July or the beginning of August, in the last few days before summer vacation.
But on July 29th, after nine days of negotiations, the mix turned gloopy once again.
In July 2008, a Dutch tourist developed Marburg four days after returning to the Netherlands from a three-week holiday in Uganda.
AES is intended to be a stronger, more efficient successor to Triple Data Encryption Standard (3des), which replaced the aging DES, which was cracked in less than three days in July 1998.
The company, which reports third-quarter earnings on July 20, sold 1.7 million of its latest iteration in the first three days.
July 26 and July 27 have been the first two consecutive days on which Firefox was able to maintain a market share above 20%.
In Tamaulipas, a state in the North-East bordering Texas, the candidate widely expected to be elected governor in July was murdered four days before the poll.
Jets hit turtles a few times each year at JFK, usually in the final days of June or earliest days in July, according to the FAA's wildlife strike database.
The cloudy nights in July are dark; the sky is soft blue in the autumn; the spring days are restless with the south wind.
The cloudy nights in July are dark; the sky is soft blue in the autumn; the spring days are restless with the south wind.
The look-alike contest was part of the 27th Hemingway Days festival marking the July 21 birthday of the white-bearded author, born 108 years ago in Illinois.
留着大白胡子的文学巨匠海明威出生在伊利诺斯州,今年7月21日是他诞辰108周年的纪念日。 此项大赛是纪念海明威诞辰的第27个“海明威日”系列活动的一部分。
I spent 1 year from November 2004 drawing a page a day, then in July 2007 I repeated the process for another 365 days.
What's more, July 3rd and 4th have consistently topped the list of the four deadliest days of the year to be on the road.
It has been an especially divisive issue in Britain, where a public outcry followed the loss of 15 soldiers in 11 days in July, the deadliest month for allied forces since the start of the war.
It formally changed its name to bgC3 in early July, 10 days after Gates left his full-time job at the company he built into an industry giant.
On July 21, 1983, ten days after my birth, Antarctica reached the coldest temperature ever recorded on the planet: -129 degrees Fahrenheit.
Easy to spot in binoculars for now, McNaught will sink into the twilight along the eastern horizon in the coming days as it heads toward perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on July 2.
White House officials have been warning for days that the July 31 target would most likely not be met, although there are reports a deal may be near.
White House officials have been warning for days that the July 31 target would most likely not be met, although there are reports a deal may be near.