Mathematics game integrates the junior middle school mathematics classroom the educational model;
Research results show that: (1) the junior middle school mathematics teachers' overall stress in changchun.
Moreover also obtains several cases on the junior middle school mathematics collated and corrected copy curriculum.
At present, the modern information technology and the junior middle school mathematics curriculum conformity already became this research area a hot topic.
During mathematics learning of the first grade junior middle school students, it can foster students' varied mathematical abilities by cultivating good cognitive structure mathematics.
We also discovered that the contexts that most interest the junior middle school are about following topics: games, school life, daily life and mathematics.
Based on the practice of mathematics classroom in junior middle school, this paper states how to develop students' ability to raise question from the procedure to the means.
Function plotter is an excellent mathematics tool for all senior and junior middle school or college students and teachers to draw graph which related to the function expression they inputed.
Function plotter is an excellent mathematics tool for all senior and junior middle school or college students and teachers to draw graph which related to the function expression they inputed.