His hands were tied together with rope; I undid the knot and winced as I saw the burn on his wrists.
Sucre walks behind T-Bag as a new inmate, Annie the Trannie, saunters out of his cell wearing his shirt tied in a knot around his stomach.
Sucre走在T -Bag的后面,有一个新犯人Trannie,又称annie,游荡着走出他的牢房,身上装的衬衫在腹部打了一个结。
As he left the house, grumbling and sulking, he folded the money into a wad, then tied it into a knot on his sarong. He threw the saw into the cart.
Since the pair tied the knot, dozens more couples have been queueing up to copy their unusual ceremony.
In an interview after the ceremony Mr. Murakami, his bushy hair tied in a knot, seemed exuberant.
He agreed and the couple tied the knot again in front of 100 friends and loved-ones in August.
The whole idea is that you can use the friction of the hair against itself in the knot, and whatever it is tied around will support the weight of the prince.
But those who've already tied the knot should find a way to pay down the debts as quickly as possible, and without any late payments.
Researchers also discovered the husband and wife who will stay true to their 'til death us do part' vow will have met through friends - and tied the knot after three and a half years together.
Researchers also discovered the husband and wife who will stay true to their 'til death us do part' vow will have met through friends –and tied the knot after three and a half years together.
Paul Wesley and actress Torrey Devitto have tied the knot —but he’s been calling her his wife since last year’s Young Hollywood Awards!
Without expensive preparation and rituals, Wang Shaowei and Zhang Xin tied the knot at a cost of nine yuan, which was used to obtain the marriage certificate.
When she come up to me, I saw her trousers, and found the trousers was tied a knot at the place beneath her thighs.
When Indian entrepreneur Suniel Mutha married, he and his bride tied the knot in Madras, her hometown. There were 900 guests, and the festivities lasted three days.
印度企业家苏尼埃尔•穆萨(Suniel Mutha)当年结婚时,婚礼是在新娘的老家马德拉斯(Madras)举办的,有900位来宾到场,仪式持续了整整三天。
AFTER a long courtship, two Hollywood institutions tied the knot on April 27th.
Before 400 guests - but not before a media deluge - former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton and longtime beau Marc Mezvinsky tied the knot July 31 in Rhinebeck, n.y!
She wore a checked shirt tied in a knot above the navel.
She wore a checked shirt tied in a knot above the navel .
As a clamp, I simply tied a rope around the magnets and tightened it with a stick through the knot.
Thee research showed that while men are more likely to be bored with a partner outside of marriage, for those couples who had tied the knot the roles reversed.
When Daniel and Ilana tied the knot in Guatemala City earlier this year, the couple wanted to create a modern-day time capsule that would allow them to relive the day.
The Sacramento Bee reported that they tied the knot at the cat House, a feline charity populated by scores of cats and kittens.
Friends of the couple joke that the marriage was decreed by fate, saying they would never have really tied the knot if they hadn't taken the playful wedding photos so many years before.
He finally tied the knot with his long-term partner Angelina Jolie at the end of August and Brad Pitt appears to be loving his new role as husband.
He finally tied the knot with his long-term partner Angelina Jolie at the end of August and Brad Pitt appears to be loving his new role as husband.