Seoul, nearly obliterated in the Korean War fifty years ago, was now the fifth biggest city in the world over planning controls.
Nicknames like "Operation Killer" during the Korean war and Vietnam's "Operation Masher", Sieminski wrote, caused controversy when reported in the press.
Before the Korean war, he was a high-school dropout.
Servo was swamped with rush orders for the Korean war-perhaps we could help.
The truce that ended the Korean War in the 1950s did not become a peace treaty.
The Korean War was one of the most significant historical events in modern Korean history.
In the 57 years since the end of the Korean War, fewer then 20,000 defectors have fled to South Korea.
In the 57 years since the end of the Korean War, fewer then 20, 000 defectors have fled to South Korea.
Both the Korean war and Vietnam war were supported by the 7th Fleet's carrier battle groups and surface warships.
During the Korean War, he shot along with his teacher several science documentaries such as Smashing Enemy's Germ Warfare.
He was 10 when the US bombed the nearby bridge to halt Chinese support for its neighbour in the Korean war; a few spans still stand as evidence of the raids.
那一年他10岁。 而今天,几段残桥依然矗立在那里,见证着曾经的空袭。
There had earlier been a number of explanations suggested for the sinking, including an accidental collision with an unexploded sea mine left over from the Korean War.
Ouyang had been a veteran foreign trader and was said to have contributed an ocean-going ship of military goods during the Korean War. The ship unfortunately sank during an air raid.
Unfortunately, “OPLAN 5027”—the main American-South Korean war plan—has been compromised.
然而遗憾的是,韩美制定的一份重要的代号为“OPLAN 5027”军事行动计划被泄密。
Taeguki (2004) – This one makes the list for being the best Korean War film out there in a category of films that is admitedly quite weak.
《太极旗飘扬》(2004) ——韩国的战争类电影一贯被认为较为失败,而本片作为该类影片的最佳代表应当在这个列表中占据一席之地。
The LIDA's effects are very localized. One U. S. prisoner of war during the Korean conflict reports seeing a LIDA machine at the prison camp.
As economic and security cooperation between China and the Korean Peninsula becomes closer, China should play a more important role in erasing the legacies of the Cold War.
Unfortunately, "OPLAN 5027" -the main American-South Korean war plan-has been compromised.
The maritime border, known as the Northern Limit Line, has been a flashpoint between the two Koreas since the end of the 1950-1953 Korean War.
The maritime border, known as the Northern Limit Line, has been a flashpoint between the two Koreas since the end of the 1950-1953 Korean War.