It's the people in the lanes who most regularly use rickshaws—not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor.
The way he crashed the lanes and flew by big time centers and power forwards.
In the warmer months, many people slept on folding cots in the lanes, where it was cool.
3 build private mess of chaos space relation, fuzzy texture, vanish the lanes of the affinity.
His athleticism is always a factor, he runs the lanes, he can cut well out of our triangle offense.
Drivers swarm in or out of the lanes and make it difficult to me to feel safe when I cross the road.
The Lanes sat up to see two elderly women in the ocean, about 100 yards down the beach and 10 feet offshore.
Sword fights with bamboo sticks and football were favourite pastimes in the lanes outside Obama's first home.
Walking along the street, you can see old people chatting in the lanes, which is a traditional feature in Shanghai.
Loud music seeps from blue-glowing bars, neon light spills onto icy sidewalks, the lanes are crusted with road salt.
Yes, I do agree that splitting the lanes and passing others on the right side is dangerous, I think that should be stopped.
The heavy automobile jumped into the air when it hit the divider and bounced over into the lanes going back to New York City.
The lanes between vines are exactly as wide as the tractor, so the little group had to duck into and underneath the vines all day long.
The women were shaken but okay, and after the Lanes delivered them to their condo, they all said they'd see one another again during the week.
The intelligent car determines its direction by the clear lines that mark the lanes clearly and recognizes vehicles according to their regular shapes.
When I ride him on Sunday through the lanes at the edge of the town, the men from the country, clean-dressed and slow-moving, stand still to watch him.
Enter the 3D Fast Bus, a futuristic concept vehicle that carries passengers above street level, straddling the lanes below so traffic can pass freely underneath.
But the lanes are protected from motor vehicles by a line of white paint-a largely metaphorical barrier that many drivers ignore and police do not vigorously enforce.
Even at desolate aging, what pillars the dream will be the serenity of the grey old house, the hawking in the Wu soft dialect, and the lanes which record the fragrance and the recollection.
The first is a special purpose lane system, in which certain lanes are reserved for automated vehicles.
Built with safety in mind, the highways have wide lanes and shoulders, dividing medians, or barriers, long entry and exit lanes, curves engineered for safe turns, and limited access.
A headless rider haunts the country lanes.
The cyclists should use the cycle lanes and wear helmets and fluorescent jacket at night.
The cyclists should all have to be made to use the cycle lanes and wear helmets.
The TSA cannot continue diverting resources into underused PreCheck lanes while most of the traveling public suffers in unnecessary lines.
While the Greek world had expanded along the Mediterranean seas lanes, the Roman world was assembled by territorial conquest.
If special purpose lanes were available, the car could enter them and join existing traffic in two different ways.
The number of buses and bus lanes were increased, and drivers were rewarded or punished according to the time they took.
The number of buses and bus lanes were increased, and drivers were rewarded or punished according to the time they took.