Then bells sounded in the large white building, and a number of young girls came into the garden.
The Town Hall is the large white building on the north side of the square – there's no mistaking it.
Interestingly, nothing was attached to the large white and brown connector near the top of the board.
The large white circular shapes in this image are pieces of multiyear ice carried to this location by the East Greenland Current.
The yellow eggs of the large white butterfly are laid in clumps on the undersides of cabbage leaves (above) and Brussels sprouts.
The yellow eggs of the large white butterfly are laid in cl umps on the undersides of cabbage leaves (above) and brussels sprouts.
Dean Miller, an Australian fur seal biologist, was the first person to spot the large white object floating past Macquarie island in the far south-west corner of the Pacific Ocean.
This experiment studied Gannong Strain (developed from black pig of Gansu) and the Large White of USSR, and their fattening properties after their positive and negative cross - breeding.
As a result, the world's food supply has become largely dependent on a shrinking list of breeds designed for maximum yield: the Rhode Island Red chicken, the large White pig, the Holstein cow.
At the CBI Denver Crime Lab, technicians shake out the items in a sterile room, onto a large, white slab covered with paper.
My sister's white blouse had a large opening on the back.
The White House wants to raise taxes on large corporations and wealthy individuals to help pay for its economic initiatives.
Black women, who have always worked outside the home in large Numbers, now earn 95% as much as white women. But they are more likely to be sole breadwinners.
A large white bed stood in the centre , piled high with cushions and papers, clothes, and a telephone.
The 10th largest white diamond ever to be found, it will be cut into a large heart-shaped diamond and several smaller stones which will then be sold.
The restaurant using white opaque surface for large space partition and transparent acrylic surface in small space, they appear like ‘honeycomb’.
大厅采用了白色不透明的隔布,小房间则采用透明的丙烯酸材料。 整体看上去就像是一个“蜂巢”。
The new IP black version featuring large, easy to see white LEDs and a solid stainless steel strap is sure to turn heads and make your friends envious.
The great white image was captured by Amos Nachoum, an underwater expert who guides courageous scuba divers to encounters with the large creatures.
When they were finished, he would show her how to remove the white seeds, the ones that could cause a large man to fall down frothing.
The rock was large enough to fit two Lionel's in. It was a sparkly red with scattered white lines all over.
The office is wonderfully bright; thanks to a large window in the ceiling which casts natural light onto brilliant white walls.
When he first arrived at Harvard in 1991, he moved into a large house in the mostly white suburb of Lexington and promptly visited the police station to introduce himself.
Madame, large, too white, chilly, hardly looked the "Sofronie."
"The most fruitful locations were at the aviaries, where I was able to setup my studio in a large free-flight room and coax the birds to fly across the white set," says Zuckerman.
This is the large calendar or white board you've hung in a prominent position in your kitchen.
Narrow structures extend into the blue water like docks; small white dots break up field of blue like ships on water; and the structures lining the area resemble large warehouses.
A white, dull light fell from a large window, with tiny panes, on the left, which usurped the whole width of the room.
The cow is indeed there, but it's hidden in a grove of trees. There is also a large sheet of black and white paper caught in a tree, and it is obvious that the farmer mistook it for his cow.
The cow is indeed there, but it's hidden in a grove of trees. There is also a large sheet of black and white paper caught in a tree, and it is obvious that the farmer mistook it for his cow.