China is one of the countries which have the largest number of rivers.
The chart shows that to be more popular, the largest number of students in schools would like to study harder to improve their abilities.
Their initial task was to decide which of the many forest problems of concern to Europe involved the largest number of countries and might be the subject of joint action.
Africa has the largest number of people living with HIV.
The construction industry suffered the largest number of deaths.
This means putting the story with the largest number of diggs on top.
The UK has the largest number of European machines on the list, with 44 systems.
The Russian Federation has the largest number of infections in the region - 860,000.
IBM has the largest number of successfully deployed MDM implementations in the market today.
Should doctors seek to save the largest number of lives, or the largest number of years of life?
They have one of the largest number of reviews, which means you're going to visit them sooner or later.
By which he means: India has the largest number of people who have not yet bought many electronic goods.
Among cities, Beijing has the largest number of rich people with 143000 multimillionaires and 8800 billionaires.
Interestingly, though, this region also features the largest number of users who decline to disclose their gender.
This is the largest number of fatalities ever recorded during an outbreak of this rare, but extremely severe disease.
The largest number of newly diagnosed infections – 83 – are in Scotland; the centre of the outbreak there is Glasgow.
Guangzhou Asian Games mascot named LeyYangyang a set of five kinds for the largest number of previous Asian Games mascot.
The largest number of studies focused on surgical site infection, whose cumulative incidence ranged from 2.5% to 30.9%.
专注于手术部位感染的研究最多,其累积感染发生率为2.5% - 30.9%。
TweetDeck doesn't just have the largest number of users, it is also the tool of choice for the most active Twitter users.
That is, rationalize the use of scarce resources in ways that bring the greatest benefits to the largest number of people.
Mumbai may have the largest number of art deco buildings after Miami, but conservation is not on the minds of most Mumbaikars.
If, there is a region with the largest number of common history and cultural memory in the world, then it is the Northeast Asia.
The Mediterranean has the largest number of invasive species – most of them having migrated through the Suez Canal from the Red Sea.
While Gucci had the largest number of comments, it also had the lowest tone -- only 67% were positive, according to Zeta Interactive.
However, England's Premier League has the largest number of foreigners (even without the 50 or so players from elsewhere in the British Isles).
不过,英格兰超级联赛(englandsPremier League)却拥有最大数量的外籍球员(甚至不算那50名左右来自英伦诸岛其它地方的球员,英超联赛也拥有最多的外籍球员)。
WHO estimates that the largest number of new TB cases in 2008 occurred in the South-East Asia Region, which accounted for 35% of incident cases globally.
Considering that Chinese has the largest number of speakers in the world and the greatest time depth in its literature, this interest is long overdue.
Of all avian influenza viruses known to infect humans, H5N1 has caused the greatest number of cases of very severe disease and the largest number of deaths.
Of all avian influenza viruses known to infect humans, H5N1 has caused the greatest number of cases of very severe disease and the largest number of deaths.