Investment in fixed assets is important to ensure that the latest technology is available to business.
The city Belmont will be built into a smart city with the latest technology and high-speed Internet.
A smart city can provide the latest technology for people to collect information and manage resources and should have a clean and sustainable environment.
For a company in this situation, keeping up to date with the latest technology, even if it's only for the benefit of key staff, this can be hugely expensive.
In 1924 he convinced the British government to encircle the world with a chain of wireless stations using the latest technology that he had devised, shortwave radio.
GE's Mac 400 ECG incorporates the latest technology.
GE的Mac 400心电描记器体现出最新的技术。
Today, if you want to get into the latest technology rage, Ajax is where it's at.
They had the latest technology, iron chariots, while all we haveare javelins and spears.
EMF5000 series integrated electromagnetic flowmeter using the latest technology in the world.
They were fascinated by a young woman talking about the latest technology, things they didn't know.
The Americans sniffily suggest that such generosity comes from not offering the latest technology.
Becoming proficient with the latest technology is key to staying employed in a difficult job market.
The destruction of its factories by wartime bombing left it free to rebuild with the latest technology.
The latest technology allows the Riviera NPD team to create new model designs efficiently and accurately.
Reports are that it is the best functioning Earthship to date utilizing all the latest technology," says Marvin.
When it comes to Web design and development, one thing trumps the latest technology and cool features: usability.
It is equipped with the latest technology to ensure the quality of the beer is maintained throughout its journey.
Competition forces them always to employ the latest technology, which both increases output and puts pressure on prices.
Its capacity was reduced to 90,000 and the ground was kitted out with the latest technology in the form of video scoreboards.
As a result of the latest technology and training to continuously improve our quality - in products and customer service.
Its capacity was reduced to 90, 000 and the ground was kitted out with the latest technology in the form of video scoreboards.
Japanese: You love video games, comic books and the latest technology. Study Japanese and learn more about the strange culture.
From now on, an increasing proportion of the vehicles they produce will use the latest technology to achieve low or zero emissions.
Since its creation, the company, and actively learn from and absorb the current international electric door the latest technology.
Obtaining and using the latest technology. WebSphere middleware application server provides the following benefits and functionality
But it has a powerful organising idea: take the latest technology, package it in a simple, elegant form and sell it at a premium price.
Upgrading any product to take advantage of the latest technology can be a challenge, but Web-based applications are the trickiest of the lot.
为了利用最新技术的优势而升级现有产品并不是件容易的事,其中,基于 Web 的应用程序是最难的部分。
The Pragmatic Programmers publishes a wonderful series of books that speak directly to software developers on topics of the latest technology.
Pragmatic Programmers出版了一系列很好的书籍,它们针对软件开发人员讲解最新的技术。
They can pay for an extensive retail network, the latest technology for the back office and employ the most talented designers and managers.
They can pay for an extensive retail network, the latest technology for the back office and employ the most talented designers and managers.