The foreign influences barbarized the Latin language.
He argued that the German language was fundamentally different from the Latin languages.
Over 50% of English language, in common use, is taken, directly or indirectly, from the Latin language.
超过50 %的英语,在共同使用,是采取直接或间接从拉丁语。
He published a treatise that he had written earlier on grammar, inventing his own system for the understanding and the learning of the Latin language.
To be entirely ignorant of the Latin language is like being in a fine country on a misty day. The horizon is extremely limited. Nothing can be seen clearly except that which is quite close;
The language of everyday life was evolving in Europe and at a certain point in the middle ages it was really only merchants, aristocrats and clergy who could deal with Latin.
It was used primarily as a vehicle for teaching religion and was generally presented in Latin, the language of the Christian Church which had considerable influence in Italy at that time.
He recognized that Sanskrit, the language of India, was related very closely to Latin, Greek, and the Germanic and Celtic languages.
Maybe the languages developed from the same source language long ago, that is, maybe they are genetically related, that was what happened with Sanskrit, Latin and Greek.
Let's choose Latin, the language of scholarship, and so iron became Fe for ferrum and lead became Pb for plumbum and gold is Au for aurum and so on.
At this time, words from Latin and Greek were included in the English language.
The German language, it was maintained, possessed a deep history and continuity that mongrelized Latin tongues such as French and Italian could only envy.
During this time, many Latin, Danish, and Norse words entered the English language.
Latin was still the language of scholarship and so it was a Latin text that sanctioned the use of the Greek word in English medicine.
The official language of Italy is Italian - a direct descendant of Latin (some 75% of Italian words are of Latin origin).
意大利的官方语是意大利语 ―― 起源于拉丁文(约 75%的意大利字是起源于拉丁文) 。
Those long Latin usages have so infected everyday language in America that you might well think, “If that’s how people write who are running the country, that’s how I’m supposed to write.”
这些拉丁词在日常英语中的大量使用也许让你产生错觉,认为“如果统领这个国家的人是用这些词写 作的,那么我也应该这样写作。”
Anatomy began as a descriptive science in the days when Latin was the universal scientific language.
Cicero felt that the more modern Latin language could resolve and clarify the problems of Greek philosophy, as well as make it more appealing to.
Spanish is what we call a "Romance" language, meaning that it is based on Latin, the language of the ancient Roman Empire.
The English language, borrowing, as so often, from Latin, already has a word for a supreme head. It is supremo.
As I’ve said many times before French as a language is largely an evolution of Latin and so we can look back to the Latin words funus and funer meaning “death rites.”
Unclear legal language "is an ancient tradition," he said, "stemming from the fact that the language of law was first Latin, then French and finally English."
The language looks a bit like Latin, the language that was commonly used among scientists during that time!
Jobs in Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America are abundant, and most of them do not require that you speak the native language.
Jobs in Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America are abundant, and most of them do not require that you speak the native language.