Holmes thought deeply on the way home: the story of the Hound, Sir Charles's death, the strange letter, the missing boot and the black bearded man.
But, in no long time after the physician's death, the wearer of the scarlet letter disappeared, and Pearl along with her.
In a letter to Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, who called on their billionaire peers to give away half of their wealth, Chen said it is noble and great to return one's wealth to the world before death.
Her husband got the letter that announced the death of her father in a traffic accident.
On the morning of the execution, Valentin wrote a letter to lovey-dovey to the warden's daughter, and then go to death.
The most important document never released is a letter from Abakumov to Molotov on July 17, 1947, which researchers believe contains the details of Wallenberg's death.
I will quote his letter verbatim because it shows hat an early childhood memory can do for a man when he's faced with the imminent death of his own father.
Upon those, had followed gabelles letter: the appeal of an innocent prisoner, in danger of death, to his justice, honour, and good name.
The clothes had belonged to her son, Maurice, who had died at the age of 13, and the bottle held her letter to the boy "that no wind... no storm... not even death could ever destroy".
Then they receive a letter from the victim written the day of her death predicting her demise, but it could be the work of the killer.
Someone going through a divorce. Mourning the death of a parent. Managing a bipolar disorder. Or they're transgender and need a letter for hormone therapy.
有人正在办离婚,有人沉浸在丧父/丧母的悲痛中,有人正接受躁郁症(bipolar disorder)治疗,又或者,来者是个变性人,需要你开个证明以进行激素治疗。
Someone going through a divorce. Mourning the death of a parent. Managing a bipolar disorder. Or they're transgender and need a letter for hormone therapy.
有人正在办离婚,有人沉浸在丧父/丧母的悲痛中,有人正接受躁郁症(bipolar disorder)治疗,又或者,来者是个变性人,需要你开个证明以进行激素治疗。