According to the library rules, you must return them within 7 days.
According to the library rules, no one shall take any magazine out of the reading room.
You have broken the library rules, so your application card will be forfeited for a month.
This explains the rules under which the library operates.
Readers are required to observe the rules of the library and mind their manners.
The key used for your application object will be embedded in your rules, making it difficult to change once you have a library of rules.
A schema library is valid if all the files included in the library adhere to the XML schema 2.0 rules, and all references are resolvable.
This one is filmed with a group of guys in a public library … the rules are simple … they draw cards, and the one who draws the card with an “X” on it gets a crazy and humiliating penalty.
The m17n library builds upon Unicode and other standards to draw arbitrarily complex orthographies according to the rules of the written language.
m 17 n库构建在Unicode和其他标准之上,用来根据手写语言的规则画出任意复杂的拼字法。
Unlike some of the other tools, however, Findbugs USES byte code and the byte code Engineering Library, so it can be a challenge to learn how to implement new rules within the system.
You can mold the type library to fit your business rules instead of trimming the business rules to fit the schema language.
Many of its initial members sit on board and many of its guidelines are directly lifted from the rules followed by Base Class Library.
A library in Alabama has reportedly warned its customers that it plans to enforce strict new borrowing rules that include the possibility of jail time for anyone who fails to return a book on time.
In contrast to "luvcview" it initializes the new Logitech commands for pan/tilt/focus without the need for a helper library or fiddling with XML files, udev rules etc.
None of the items in the library can be checked out, and rules for working inside are strict: No pens, food or even mineral water are allowed in the manuscript reading room。
None of the items in the library can be checked out, and rules for working inside are strict: No pens, food or even mineral water are allowed in the manuscript reading room.
The structure of Chinese Library Classification System is huge and its indexing methods and rules are complicated, making it difficult to index academic papers.
International Students shall abide by the rules of library and return the books borrowed on time.
Furthermore, some other rules need also to be attended as the regulated objects in the library law, the relations between it and the other laws as well as the basic operative system of the libraries.
This paper introduces the working principles, rules and steps of search engine optimization, and advances some concrete measures for the optimization of library website construction.
The idea of adaptive data fusion algorithm , the composition of rules set, algorithms library and the realization of adaptive algorithm are described in detail.
The writers of the study have called for stronger rules requiring cattle to be treated before being sold at market. The study was published in the Public Library of Science.
The article discusses the factors of the humanity construction of library from the aspects of library construction design, function layout, rules and regulations and reader service.
The unification of cataloguing rules is propitious for the exchange and transmission of the library date, and for saving and making the best of the library resource.
A bibliometric analysis was made for the citation of the library Journal of Henan from 2002-2003 in order to bring to light the general citation rules in the journal.
To improve the quality of the cataloging in Internet times, it is necessary to establish the strict library-specific rules, approving systems, and make good use of the outside data source information.
The rules of design standards, basic theory, expertise and evaluation are constructed, and the control mechanisms and model library are also established.
In library computer cataloging, some records are not cataloged according rules and standards in the content analysis and the description of added title entries.
Library and digital library have different properties and operating rules, so in the same system they constraints each other and can not play the best performance.
Library and digital library have different properties and operating rules, so in the same system they constraints each other and can not play the best performance.