The writing is a life's corresponding whole exhibition, so should establish the life writing study.
He is writing from the standpoint of someone who knows what life is like in prison.
Writing in the last year of his life, he expressed the opinion that in two or three respects his mind had changed during the preceding twenty or thirty years.
Writing thank-you notes allowed me the time to do something different, paying more attention to my own life.
There's no more incentive to sit around admiring the externals of the writing life.
I believe no life deserves to be forgotten and that is what I believe is the value of my writing.
Being a rather vain man, he complained in "the Fairy Tale of My Life," one of three autobiographies he wrote, that people were not interested in his "serious" writing.
There is, however, one side of life to which he is entirely blind, as was perhaps natural in an ecclesiastic writing before the Age of Salons.
Write it all out, from life goals such as writing "The Great American Novel," to everyday treats like a guilt-free afternoon typing away at your computer writing a story just for fun.
And yet, the writing life continues to capture its victims.
And a book also makes a huge difference in your future writing projects; it gives you more legitimacy if you're trying to live the freelance life.
Each woman gets to keep it for a few weeks, writing down her memories of the friends, details of her current life, photos, even questions for her PALS to answer.
I'm a firm believer in sharing knowledge that you learn along the journey of life, which is why I am writing this post.
If, on the other hand, I'm enjoying life, traveling, meeting people and feeling good, my writing flows effortlessly, and I'm bursting with ideas.
Mr Ellroy's day-to-day life seems to involve little apart from writing and promoting his books, and lying around in the dark fretting about women.
Mr Ellroy’s day-to-day life seems to involve little apart from writing and promoting his books, and lying around in the dark fretting about women.
The final section of the poem presents us with the most powerful temptation that John Milton can confront, and we will find that this is a problem that continues for the rest of his writing life.
In the case of Michelangelo, he also understood women and wrote poetry particularly towards the end of his life and it is love poetry of sorts that people were writing men about women.
I've noticed that the more I take care of my own life, the better my writing flows.
For me, writing letters is weird in the first place. In my whole life, I have only written three or four letters, so if my writing is not so good, please bear with me.
People brought up in cultures where language is read and written from left to right have been trained early on in life to begin at the left of a page, whether in writing or reading a book.
I'm writing this guest post in the hopes that Simple marriage's message will spread and more people will discover ways to get more out of marriage and life.
Vibha enjoys writing about life, from questioning the bases of our existence to wondering why we feel the way we do.
Vibha Dhawan十分热爱关于人生的写作,从质疑我们生存的本质到我们为什么会有这般的感触。
One of the main reasons that Barbara and I started writing is the people we see all around us who are living, but not really experiencing life at all.
我和芭芭拉开始写simplifi . de的一个重要原因是那些生活在我们周围,却又没有经历生活的人们。
Through writing my memoir, Now I See the Moon, I was able realize that some things in life, as in nature, cannot be rushed.
通过写自述回忆录《NowISeethe Moon》,我意识到生活中的很多东西,如同自然中的一样,是无法匆忙行事的。
Through writing my memoir, Now I See the Moon, I was able realize that some things in life, as in nature, cannot be rushed.
通过写自述回忆录《NowISeethe Moon》,我意识到生活中的很多东西,如同自然中的一样,是无法匆忙行事的。