In a down market, the bottom line still requires sales "above the line" to keep the company alive and growing.
Bank deposits would have to be converted at the same time, and the same rate, as overdrafts and mortgages to keep the value of Banks' debts in line with their assets.
Given first-line treatment for this disorder-use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) to keep his airway open in sleep-the man's mood and cognition improved, along with his breathing.
Try to reduce your eye rests to 3-4 per line, maybe evenless as you get better… keep the eye moving smoothly line after line, lettingyour mind drink in the knowledge on the line.
Although looking one line higher at the size of the engine in memory (118,812 KB), we aren't working with a lot of memory, Let's keep cache on the table.
Nor can a bunch of "super-smart" investors necessarily keep prices in line; they may face constraints on their ability to trade or simply run out of money before the anomalies can be corrected.
Running your first 10K is a fantastically fun adventure. Keep these tips in mind as you progress to the start line and smile across the finish.
Banking may be more of a meritocracy than other professions, women in the business say, because there is an easy way to keep score: Look at the bottom line.
Freeman knows this and is working out a system to keep time-strapped customers in a line separate from coffee drinkers who can wait for that pot of siphon coffee or the hand-pour.
An animated line moves with the page turn to make it easier to keep track of your location in the text.
If you want to enhance your mouth shape and to keep the gloss from bleeding, use a lip liner in the same color as your lips. Smudge the line to soften the edge.
But this did not keep the firm from crossing the line, at least in the opinion of the European Commission.
Interest rates on bank deposits need to be raised in line with inflation to encourage households to keep their money in the bank rather than speculate in property or shares.
So the sledge will just keep going in a straight line at the same speed unless its acted upon by the same force.
The law is basically just a set of rules designed to keep people who can't control themselves in line.
Fortunately, some well-staged action scenes and an emphatic performance from former television star Zo In-sung as a nice guy in a nasty line of work keep a Dirty Carnival on the rails.
The engine of global growth is shifting from the United States to other countries, but there is an engine-and that is helping to keep us above the line in terms of 1 to 2 percent economic growth.
However, one thing to keep in mind is that the browser status line is not only used by our Web UI application.
The bottom line is, in his opinion, that it is impossible to keep a centralized view of how the enterprise works -at a cost that would justify the value of such a view.
Apple, which has nearly created several markets in the last decade (iPod, iTunes, iPad), needs to keep its eye on the next new thing rather than surfing its current product line into a wipeout.
NuGet has also improved on the package manager console update - package, making it easier to keep same versions of all the packages across multiple projects in a solution from the command line.
You can run StatCVS from the command line, so it's a simple matter to do that in a script. Here are a few things to keep in mind.
To turn off Keep-Alive, find the relevant line in your httpd.conf file and change it to Keep-Alive off.
要关闭Keep -Alive,请在httpd . conf文件中找到相关的行,并将其改为Keep - Alive Off。
You can fix errors when proguard strips away your code by adding a -keep line in the proguard.cfg file.
你可以在proguard. cfg文件中添加- keep这一行来修复这些错误。
Elevation of outdoor terrace: keep in line with the peripheral roads and sidewalk.
The extra day is necessary to keep the calendar in line with the earth's movement around the sun.
Tim Hutchful, a registered chiropractor and member of the British Chiropractic Association, said women looking to stave off back pain should try to keep their head and ankles in line.
Thee twins were apparently separated to to keep them safe since as Targaryen children they would both be in line for the Iron Throne.
Thee twins were apparently separated to to keep them safe since as Targaryen children they would both be in line for the Iron Throne.