The literal meaning of 'petrify' is 'turn to stone'.
petrify的字面意思是turnto stone(变成石头)。
Adam: Let's look at the literal meaning.
The literal meaning of 'Geodesy'is 'Dividing the Earth'.
测量学 ”的字面意义是“划分地球”。
Semantics deals with the literal meaning of an utterance.
The literal meaning of moral learning is to learn the morality.
Is Chinese Metaphor Comprehension Mediated by the Literal Meaning?
I think the key to translating is not to get hung up on the literal meaning.
So that the literal meaning of comfort makes sense; intensifying someone's strength, their fortitude.
By Irony, a rhetoric device, we get a language style in which the literal meaning is different from its real one.
Besides the literal meaning, a sentence has situational meaning and conversational meaning in certain linguistic context.
He said it in such a commanding tone, I didn't resist. I flipped open the page and found the literal meaning - to rip flesh.
So the literal meaning is that something you've seen or heard made you lose your appetite, which means something arouses your antipathy.
倒胃口是影响食欲,看了或者听到了什么而不想吃饭。 什么事情引起你的反感,那你就说它使你倒胃口了。
But the literal meaning can be very easily seen by remembering that the ex in exposition—as in many other words starting with ex—means “not” or “out of.”
In this case, film translators should adjust the translation according to the register instead of adhering to the literal meaning of original lines.
Usually, the first meaning for a word in a dictionary is its literal meaning. Figurative meaning shares some of the qualities of the literal meaning.
The main strategies are: (1) to reproduce the literal meaning by using a Chinese expression with the same or very similar contextual implicit meaning;
Due to potential disparity in cultural background and in psychological association, the literal meaning of idioms has a far cry from its actual meaning.
The simplest situation of the utterance-meaning is that the speaker says a sentence to express the intention completely consistent with the literal meaning.
In interactional communication, interlocutors' mapping the category of the literal meaning dynamically generates the utterance meaning related to the context.
They actually believe that these are three different meanings that are in the text itself: the anagogical meaning, the allegorical meaning, the literal meaning.
Linguistically speaking, the image in artistic conception is the literal meaning of the discourse, which is brief and offers possible space for readers' imagination.
Deeply influenced by structural linguistics, the English vocabulary teaching in China has put more emphasis on the size of vocabulary or the literal meaning of words.
Advertisers impart information in an indirect way by openly and intentionally violating CP. Consumers can infer the conversational implicature on the basis of the literal meaning.
Maybe she's the same, so you interpret her smile as sincere (or not), her voice as genuinely cheery (or not) and you understand the literal meaning of the two words "happy" and "holidays".
The ESL students are frequently frustrated with the problem that they can get the literal meaning of words , but they cannot interpret the interactive purpose of the speaker in the utterance.
“ 知其一, 不知其二,”常是影响学生正确理解会话含义的问题。 在听力教学过程中,学生常常能听得清字面内容,而不理解话语的真正意图。
The usage of metaphor is in connection with the fundamental change of speech in the semantic field, which can make people realize the literal meaning of the speech and also its figurative meaning.
The usage of metaphor is in connection with the fundamental change of speech in the semantic field, which can make people realize the literal meaning of the speech and also its figurative meaning.