Ending the fighting must be the absolute priority, the litmus test of the agreement's validity.
The litmus test will be the us's willingness to abandon NATO expansion.
A a sense of control, according to Anderson, is the litmus test for success. The optimist feels in control of his own life.
EXAMPLE: For our investors, annual profit is the litmus test by which they determine the strength of our company's management.
The message to the upcoming G8 summit in Japan is that maternal newborn and child mortality are the litmus test of a functioning health system.
A problem is a problem, whatever its ease or difficulty - the litmus test is how much it is impacting you negatively, preventing you from moving forward.
The outcome will be seen as a litmus test of government concern for conservation issues.
Find the right "litmus test", though, and what is now being done with TB drugs could succeed with any of these as well.
Within the G.O.P., willful ignorance has become a litmus test for candidates, one that Mr. Romney is determined to pass at all costs.
A new seven-member bank headed by Caja Madrid hopes to list before the summer: as the largest savings bank by assets, it will be a litmus test of investor appetite.
As part of governing the SOA lifecycle, candidate services need to conform to a service litmus test, whose answers can establish a set of criteria to qualify a service.
Finally, the PS3 is a litmus test for Sir Howard's turnaround effort, one of the aims of which is to get Sony's various divisions to co-operate more fully.
最后一点,对于霍华德爵士为了扭转局面而作的努力而言,PS 3就是一块试金石,而种种努力的目的之一就是让索尼旗下的不同业务部门能够更加众志成城。
The capabilities that passed the service litmus test were used to identify the required service interfaces.
As the Economist went to press that was the choice facing HSBC, whose dogged pursuit of Korea Exchange Bank (KEB) has become a litmus test of South Korean attitudes to foreign investment.
We will deal with this matter in another article under the guise of the "Service Litmus Test," and present criteria to determine whether something should indeed be exposed or not.
我们将在另一篇文章“ServiceLitmus Test”中解决这个问题,并且提出确定是否确实应该公开某些内容的标准。
The service Litmus Test would examine each capability and apply various configurable metrics to determine which one should be exposed as services.
ServiceLitmus Test将会检查每一项功能,并应用不太可配置的工具,以决定其中的哪一项功能应该被当作服务。
Here's a litmus test to help you figure out your own views in this regard, and what those views imply. Imagine a company that does all of the following, with reasonable consistency.
Applying the service Litmus Test to determine which candidate services are appropriate to expose.
应用ServiceLitmus Test,以确定候选服务是否适合公开。
The IBM SOMA method provides a service Litmus Test that can be applied to capabilities to determine which ones should be exposed as services.
IBMSOMA方法提供了一个ServiceLitmus Test,可以应用该功能以决定哪一个功能作为服务。
There's a great litmus test: can you, in one short, clear noun phrase, describe what an instance of the class represents?
To me it's a litmus test for people about who they are and how they perceive the world and how secure they are about themselves.
The candidate's performance in the debate was seen as a litmus test for the election.
Try taking this litmus test: The next time you are facing a snag of doubt, try going back to the first week you met, or an early moment where you felt something was off.
They say the perfect litmus test of a chef's skills is the simplest dish on the menu.
They say the perfect litmus test of a chef's skills is the simplest dish on the menu.