That the euro area is struggling too may be little solace to Mr Darling, since more than half of Britain's exports go there.
Queensland played little part in the row, since its stretch of the Darling was sparsely populated at the time.
But if the rest of the world might think you are past it, your darling little grandchild has no conception of age.
Is the father asked little light of light has such thing, so little light darling to apologize.
I listen to their chatter and call, "come back, my darling, for mother's heart is full to the brim with love, and if you come to snatch only one little kiss from her no one will grudge it."
As a result, the flow of the Darling, the longest tributary of the Murray, varies wildly, from as little as 0.04% of the long-term average to as much as 911%.
How delivers this little darling to go home, the giraffe wants to think, had thought easy to do method, she lets the small magpie sit on oneself.
How delivers this little darling to go home, the giraffe wants to think, had thought easy to do method, she lets the small magpie sit on oneself.