The little dog looked excited about something.
The little dog looked up and cocked its ears.
The little dog of hers yaps away all day while Mary's out.
The little dog whimpered when I tried to bathe its wounds .
The little dog died without any warning, breaking our hearts.
Ira was panting, as was the little dog in my lap, her heart pounding against my thigh.
It's because I associate the misery of the little dog with the poverty of our people.
She put the little dog on the seat and held out her hand. Snoopy placed her paw in it.
I hear the little dog barking again. "Help!" it says. "I'm trapped on the other side of the cat!"
The next day when Iwas again on the grass, I found the body of the little dog against the big dog's (body).
The little dog would come with me, when my grandma was doing her work, I played with the dog, how happy I was.
The little dog became hysterical with joy. He was all over the hobo, barking and jumping as if he would never stop.
The next morning, I wake to find the cat and the little dog sitting on either side of my chest and staring down at me.
But the river flows too fast. The little dog floats away with the current, past the people and past the buildings. Dog leaves everyone behind.
The little dog had been a part of our family for about two years when a hobo knocked at the back door and asked if we could give him something to eat.
Meanwhile, our most recent intake, the little dog, still refuses to knuckle under, conducting itself in a manner that runs counter to all stated regulations.
With a gift of a new wicker sleeping basket and a note "Happy to be part of the chain reuniting Snoopy with her family," Nebraska passed the little dog on to Iowa.
The annual premium can be a little steep, but will be well worth it if your dog is injured.
On that day, their little boy Eric seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if Eric understood what was going on.
He was as little disturbed or frightened as if an elderly cat and dog had walked into the room.
The nice little dog waved its tail happily, welcoming the owner back home.
The little boy gave the dog some food, water and clean dry grass to lie on.
In the same village, there was another little dog.
The little wolf, White Fang, made an enemy of the dog, Lip-Lip.
小狼白牙和一条名叫 Lip-Lip 的狗成为了敌人。
When the little boy asked his mother whether he would let the dog come into the house or not, she hesitated.
She first thought the little boy was coming to talk about his dog.
As a little dog, Vicky had learned to watch for the postman.
Now its beautiful lyrics will bring the same holiday spirit to readers of all ages in this one of a kind picture book about a young girl whose greatest Christmas wish is for a new little dog!
Now its beautiful lyrics will bring the same holiday spirit to readers of all ages in this one of a kind picture book about a young girl whose greatest Christmas wish is for a new little dog!