Another important push was the onset of the Little Ice Age, a climatic phenomenon that led to cooler temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere.
The climatic events of the Little Ice Age did more than help shape the modern world.
It is known that the Little Ice Age cooling began in Greenland and the Arctic in about 1200.
The Little Ice Age has given way to a new climatic regime, marked by prolonged and steady warming.
This book will provide a detailed examination of the Little Ice Age and other climatic shifts, but, before I embark on that, let me provide a historical context.
As the Little Ice Age progressed, farmers probably moved their fields to lower elevations, infringing on the lands of other farmers and pushing people together, thus contributing to the aggregations.
The result is that there is no systematic account of either the causes or course of The Little Ice Age.
Whether the decreased solar activity was somehow responsible for the little ice age is still unknown.
However, recent studies have brought down the relative importance of this solar effect on the little ice age.
The solar activity and volcanic eruptions are the main factors of climatic changes during the Little Ice Age.
What is one of the most important among these natural disasters is the little ice age which last nearly 20 years.
During those decades Europe suffered frequent unusually harsh winters, and the time was later termed the Little Ice Age.
Carbon dating showed that the vegetation had not seen the sun since at least near the start of the Little Ice Age, some 400 years ago.
The Little Ice Age is an "investigative history," one that purports to reveal the hidden forces that drive the ebb and flow of historical events.
The Little Ice Age is the latest and the most typical case of cold climate event, which is significant for the research of centennial climate change.
The climate and environmental changes of the Little Ice Age in China occurred under the abnormal influence of the whole globe's climate and environment.
Since the Little Ice Age the glacier has reduced its area accounting for 4.6% of the present area, while this ratio is near 8% in the Qangtan Region, Tibetan Plateau.
由冰川退缩引起的冰川面积的减小相当于现代冰川面积的4.6 % ,略小于整个羌塘高原地区小冰期以来冰川面积减小的幅度(8% ) 。
Not so: historical records show that malaria has previously been widespread in temperate regions - as far north as Scandinavia - and survived even during the coldest years of the Little Ice Age.
They readily admit, however, that little is understood yet as to the reasons why ice age artists created their interesting and detailed paintings.
Turns out the Cremonese violins were made from trees that grew during a Little Ice Age, a period when temperatures across Europe were significantly lower than normal.
The Earth could enter a new 'Little Ice Age' in the coming years due to low solar activity, astronomers believe.
The current trend of global warming is pushing Earth back from its ice Age "icehouse" conditions-with large ice sheets and many glaciers-to a "greenhouse" with little ice overall, Barker noted.
Like the other "Ice Age" films, it involves a dangerous journey and time is found to torture the poor little saber-toothed squirrel, Scrat.
On Earth the "Little Ice Age" froze Europe around the same time, and a growing body of evidence suggests the sun's slowdown may have caused the climate to cool.
在地球上差不多同一时期,欧洲处于小冰河时期( \“Little Ice Age\”),不断出现的证据表明太阳活动的减弱可能导致气候变冷。
On Earth the "Little Ice Age" froze Europe around the same time, and a growing body of evidence suggests the sun's slowdown may have caused the climate to cool.
在地球上差不多同一时期,欧洲处于小冰河时期( \“Little Ice Age\”),不断出现的证据表明太阳活动的减弱可能导致气候变冷。