This article proposes "tacit understanding" as one of the local knowledge.
How can "the local knowledge" of literature and criticism go beyond its geographical confines?
However, in a small area, currently the stage, many people in the local knowledge, can accept authentication.
"It's a great way for us to document all the local knowledge that otherwise would have just remained within families," she explains.
The paper puts forward the idea to study cross-cultural communication from the prospective of the local knowledge, and explains the function, methodology of the prospective.
And what's exciting — you all travel, and you know the best thing about traveling is to be able to find the locals, and to find the great places by getting the local knowledge.
The document is a powerful reminder of the manpower on which European mountaineering expeditions depended, and also of the importance of local knowledge and assistance.
For start-up businesses and major corporations alike, the value of information and local market knowledge is crucial.
Yet despite the Anglo-Dutch giant's formidable range of products and unprecedented depth of local knowledge, when rivals began to push harder its empire came under threat.
A: I work with the local experts and structures regardless of their knowledge and expertise.
Similarly, the local applications lose all knowledge of the rest of the cluster during the REFRESH process.
They need to put more emphasis on local knowledge: many globalisation-obsessed companies may come to regret the fashion for downgrading country managers.
Well now with the Census of Marine Life, we'll be able to sidle up to all the locals and explore 90 percent of our living space, with local knowledge.
On the source side, the knowledge that was just received is compared to the local item versions to determine the items that the destination does not know about.
Local configurations are not visible to people without access to the run-time environment or who do not have detailed knowledge of how the policy is stored and managed on a particular host.
Much of individuals' awareness of content on the Internet arises from their possession of such local knowledge.
多数个人对于互联网上内容的了解提高了他们对于此类地方性知识(local knowledge)的占有。
Today, for example, the team is launching real-time space weather data, 12 complete genomes and local maps, as well as other knowledge domains related to math, biology, physics and geography.
例如在今天,Wolfram Alpha正在发布实时空间气候数据,12组完整的基因数据以及本地地图,以及众多与数学、生物学、物理、地理相关的其他知识领域。
"If any wave motor of which I have knowledge will be a success the Reynolds is the one," said a local engineer who also happened to be a director of the newly formed California wave motor Company.
Now, a project organized by Google, the World Bank and other organizations is recruiting volunteers with local knowledge of the region to fill in the gaps.
Bayer will help the local population with knowledge and skills in crop protection as well as animal and public health.
WHO recommends a systematic approach to vector control-based on evidence and knowledge of the local situation.
WHO recommends a systematic approach to vector control-based on evidence and knowledge of the local situation.