However, new habits are the long term goal-changing your desires and creating a new, better lifestyle.
A ratio of 2 to 1 is realistic when you start to build positive interactions, and 5 to 1 is the long term goal.
The long term goal, however, for grid parity, as JA Solar's Fang added, is to "move from a subsidy-driven market to a market-driven one".
The long term goal of environmental protection is to prevent the creation of pollutants and wastes and to produce durable, recyclable, less hazardous goods.
Both sides reaffirm their commitment to the long term goal of an ambitious and comprehensive EU China free trade agreement, in accordance with the EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda.
The engagement and mentoring of these scientists will be critical to the long-term success not only of the research agenda, but also of the eradication goal.
I have stressed the need to have interim targets when we set an ambitious long-term goal.
Most often, the goal of this migration is to offload less frequently-used data to less expensive external devices for long term storage.
There is nothing new about this as a long-term economic goal, but in recent years there has been a growing policy emphasis on the industrial and (especially) tertiary sectors.
University of California researcher Ying-Hui Fu said: 'My long-term goal is to someday learn enough so we can manipulate the sleep pathways without damaging our health.
The discovery of water on the moon will bolster Nasa's long-term goal of establishing a permanently crewed outpost there.
"The long-term goal is not to meet the demand of a single area or a single phase, we want to continuously improve the food safety across the country through the campaign," he said.
For each action, try to separate out the long-term goal from the next step (which may be a baby-step).
David Miliband said beyond the short-term goal of establishing a ceasefire, the long-term goal of finding a two-state solution, acceptable to all, must be vigorously pursued.
Remember to write them in the positive present tense and remember to set a deadline for each goal. Just like we did when setting your long term and short term goals.
This would help the company meet its long-term goal of halving today's price of mainstream beer in Africa.
Even if a free float of the yuan cannot be realized in the short term, it must be a long-term goal.
Any long-term project, whether in business, academia or elsewhere can easily get bogged down by focusing too much on the minutiae of everyday processes and forgetting the ultimate goal.
The Report of the East Asia Vision Group (EAVG) sketched a blueprint of East Asiacooperation, with an East Asia Community as its long-term goal.
I was asked on many occasions by friends in Europe, "What is the long-term goal of China?"
But in the long term the ultimate goal would be to place electrodes in the motor cortex of the brain.
"When I met the supporters [two weeks ago] I told them my main goal was to find investors who could come in and buy the club and make sure it was the for long term," he said.
Meanwhile, online calculators such as the one offered by Discover Financial Services,, can help you devise a monthly plan for reaching a long-term savings goal.
与此同时,像DiscoverFinancialServices (网址为提供的这类网络计算器可以帮助你设计为实现长期储蓄目标每个月该有怎样的计划。
Once the medium-term goal is accomplished, choose a new medium-term goal to get you to your long-term goal (1 year).
The long-term goal is to double the number of American outlets to 15,000—not least by opening coffee shops along highways—and to have an equal number abroad.
The long-term goal is to double the number of American outlets to 15,000—not least by opening coffee shops along highways—and to have an equal number abroad.