Aside from minor differences in the shape of the neck vertebrae, early birds and their Maniraptoran kin, look very much alike.
Like most twins, the two girls look very much alike, but unlike most twins, Betty and Abby share parts of the same body.
When people look alike, they tend to think, speak, and act similarly, on the job at least.
Basically scholars just start off saying, if there is a historical Paul then what are the letters that look enough alike to form one body of literature, and those are those seven letters.
The three police forces, though, look increasingly alike when it comes to methods of tackling crime.
The Li men jostle to sell me supper, all of it live: white-breasted waterhens, little egrets, a black-crowned night heron and a spot-billed duck, the only duck where male and female look alike.
Approached with amusement or anguish, moving swiftly or sluggishly trundling along, there are no two paths alike, and you cannot even begin to imagine what a team's path might look like in the end.
The closely held company, based in San Mateo, Calif., offers a 'visual search' feature that lets users scour online-retail sites to find clothes and accessories that look alike.
Aside from minor differences in the shape of neck vertebrae and the relative length of the arms, early birds and their Maniraptoran kin, such as Velociraptor, look very much alike.
In this case, the server-side authentication lets you know that you really are connected to your bank and not some look-alike imposter.
The solution must be capable of generating PDF forms that match traditional paper forms and then presenting these look-alike forms to the user.
They look alike but seemed opposite in personality. One was clearly aloof but the other appeared to be an altruistic individual.
The host said, "the blacks, you all look alike," and then warned viewers to hide their purses.
As a favored version of a gene becomes more common in a population, genomes will look increasingly alike in and around the gene.
They don't look anything alike to those creatures.How come humans know the age of our planet we are talking about billions and that number is not small.
The actor and his look-alike 12-year-old, Madelaine West, are both mesmerized by the Feb. 9 basketball game between the New York Knicks and the Sacramento Kings at Madison Square Garden.
Documents that belong to the second category usually are transformed using a style sheet before they are read. And documents that are prepared using the same style sheet will look alike.
Stockbroker Belt. The three married Beatles and their look-alike wives own large homes in Weybridge, part of the suburban "stockbroker belt, " 40 minutes from London.
The basic architectures do not look alike at all, though, and you must view any parallels with a large dose of skepticism.
The company has no authorized store in Kunming, only licensed resellers, which are barred from creating look-alike outlets or even calling themselves an Apple store.
The look-alike contest was part of the 27th Hemingway Days festival marking the July 21 birthday of the white-bearded author, born 108 years ago in Illinois.
留着大白胡子的文学巨匠海明威出生在伊利诺斯州,今年7月21日是他诞辰108周年的纪念日。 此项大赛是纪念海明威诞辰的第27个“海明威日”系列活动的一部分。
Stephen Bennett, the headmaster, said: "the golden rule, of course, is to treat them as the individuals they are. Forget they are twins, even if they look alike."
Developers and users alike will look forward to the ability for new packages to be introduced to the distribution after it has been released.
This is as good a time as any to write: If you think Lin and I look alike, you may be the type of person who thinks all Asian people look alike.
The kiosks all look alike to us and the dishes bewildering.
An artist has married the man of her dreams four years after painting his look alike in a prophetic piece of artwork.
An artist has married the man of her dreams four years after painting his look alike in a prophetic piece of artwork.