The lost decade is no longer exclusively a Japan story.
The first decade of this century -- sometimes called "the lost decade" -- has been even worse.
The predicament of Japanese in their 20s and 30s dates back to the lost decade of the 1990s, when many failed to find good, stable work.
The Fed had studied Japan extensively, and believed that the Bank of Japan could have averted the lost decade if it had reacted very aggressively early on.
The country’s most serious challenge, she says, is to avoid “another lost decade” of low growth.
We may or may not be about to face our own lost decade, but the sheer misery millions of Americans will face in the near future probably exceeds anything that happened in Japan during the 90s.
The goal of the Decade is to stabilize and then reduce the number of lives lost.
After it was raised to 5% in 1997, it once more harmed its sponsors and helped derail Japan's economic recovery, plunging the country into a second lost decade of economic growth.
THE ghost of Japan’s “lost decade” haunts the United States.
THE ghost of Japan's “lost decade” haunts the United States.
Those trends, though they have worsened this year, date further back, to the "lost decade" of the 1990s.
[font=Verdana]THE ghost of Japan's “lost decade” haunts the United States.
The last decade saw forests being lost or converted at a rate of 13 million hectares per year, compared to 16 million hectares in the 1990s.
The past 10 years have been a lost decade for many investors.
Over the five years to 2007 real private consumption grew by 1.1% a year, about the same level as during the "lost decade" of the 1990s.
During Japan's "lost decade" in the 1990s some companies flourished by introducing high-quality products at low prices.
But the same was predicted of Japan in the 1980s before its bubble burst, resulting in a lost decade of sluggish growth. The gap between Japan and America has instead widened.
“These forests are being lost at the rate of five percent or more a decade,” Chomitz says.
This ushered in the "lost decade", now into its third cycle.
Plenty of investors and commentators have lost money (or face) during the past decade by predicting that Japanese bond yields would rise sharply.
The most obvious one is that Japan began its Lost Decade as the world’s largest creditor nation, and it still is.
最明显的一项是,在 “失去的十年”开始时,日本是世界上最大的债权国,它现在依然保持这一地位。
Theoretically, to make up the economic ground lost in less than a decade, the Greeks would need to devalue by 40 per cent.
They usually talk about it as the "lost decade," where Japanese banks were not liquidated but they were not really in business.
Then came the tech crash. Since the turn of the decade, Microsoft has lost more than half its value.
Look dispassionately at Japan's economic performance over the past ten years, though, and "the second lost decade", if not the first, is a misnomer.
Look dispassionately at Japan's economic performance over the past ten years, though, and "the second lost decade", if not the first, is a misnomer.