She thought often about the lost time, or the missing time - she didn't know what to call it.
The best course was to wait patiently, and regain the lost time by greater speed when the obstacle was removed.
The lost time was "very regrettable", said the climate change secretary, Ed Miliband. "We have not done a brilliant job today."
Who can watch a pitch slightly longer before swinging, make up for the lost time with a faster swing and achieve more solid contact more often.
However, the loss of time in and through the product was compensated in the Modernity by a historical narrative that somehow restored the lost time.
The Dluskis' home, however, was an hour's commute by horse-drawn bus from the university, and Marie resented the lost time, not to mention the money wasted on carfare.
For the lost time, a little touched by a soul, life-saving straw, which can save the soul in the confusion, let you confident, find the courage to see hope for success.
Like humans, flies deprived of sleep one day will try to make up for the lost time by sleeping more the next day, a phenomenon referred to as increased sleep drive or sleep debt.
Privately, he was still a man always to defense somebody against justice, he worked as a labor at the desk, endured the besetment of sight's degeneration, only wish to plunder back the lost time.
That's the first time I lost my cool in 20 years in this job. This whole thing's getting to me.
Five years older than the majority of officers of his same rank, he was determined to make up for lost time.
It is anticipated that the equivalent of 192 full-time jobs will be lost.
Rising costs of office space, time lost to stressful commuting, and a slow recognition that workers have lives beyond the office—all are strong arguments for letting staff work from home.
At the same time, it became clear that the harder manufactures worked to implement cost-cutting, the more they lost their competitive edge.
When they came back to their former place, Heidi lost no time in setting out the dinner.
In Proust's In Search Of Lost Time, the narrator is prompted to unlock the secrets of memory after some quiet time contemplating a biscuit.
Realizing the importance of this breakthrough, he lost no time in patenting it.
Note that this operation is not recoverable, so if you need to recover your database to the point in time between the table move completion time and following backup, the table may get lost.
And now the engineer pulled out the throttle-valve to make up for lost time, and the clatter of the train faded into a distant roar, and its lights began to twinkle into indistinctness.
引擎的节流阀被打开了,火车提速来弥补落下的时间。 铁轨的咔哒声渐行渐远,最后一点光线闪闪烁烁地消失在远处。
If we only did this, if only that. 'I always think about the time we lost to Everton [in the 1995 FA Cup final].
And when it does, you will always remember the friends and teachers who were lost yesterday, and the time you Shared with them, and the lives they hoped to lead.
This difference reflects the time lost to scheduling overhead and to idle time spent waiting to acquire locks.
There the stars and I could gaze at each other, and no time was lost in greeting the dawn.
As a result, task-switching leads to time lost as the brain determines which task to perform.
Again, the time lost trying to understand the code is time lost from doing something more valuable.
Each time the method called itself, the saved start time value from the last call would be overwritten and lost.
Each time the method called itself, the saved start time value from the last call would be overwritten and lost.