The hound gave the canine equivalent of a shrug, but immediately lost interest because now the Master, the Center of its Universe, spoke.
The trouble is that when you are in sorrow, most notions of “what you like” will contain the presence of your lost love and the impossible demand that the laws of the universe be repealed.
As doubt and despair overwhelmed Sargeras' senses, he lost all faith not only in his mission, but also in the Titans' vision of an ordered universe.
The Universe has lost your signal and instead has received your new signal tha you do not have your desire.
The image of the astronauts here is no longer the victorious herald of the universe, but the symbol of lost and homeless human beings.
Who therefore invented the myth that the "Paradise" was "lost" and that today we are living in an ugly universe?
Charles suddenly announces that they should focus on finding their father who is lost somewhere in the universe.
Handles are sometimes implemented with pixel inversion, but in a multicolor universe they can get lost in the clutter.
The problem is that the World Wide Web is a relatively infinite universe in which your words can be eternally lost.
Charles suddenly announces that they should focus on finding their father who is lost somewhere in the universe.
According to new research by Bit. ly, the URL shortening service, most links Shared online don't live very long and quickly get lost amid the noise of our digitally distracted universe.
根据url压缩服务商Bit . ly的最新研究显示,大多数网上链接的生命周期都很短,出现以后很快就淹没在令人分神的数字海洋中。
Analyzed classically, that is, without taking account of quantum mechanics, anything that falls within the hole's event horizon is lost from the universe forever.
Analyzed classically, that is, without taking account of quantum mechanics, anything that falls within the hole's event horizon is lost from the universe forever.