Since the ignition delay of DME is shorter than that of diesel, thus makes the lower value of maximum cylinder pressure, maximum rate of pressure rise and combustion noise.
The lower value of CPI means one instruction takes less time to execute. The cycles can be broken down into several parts in terms of how much time is spent in different pipeline stage.
Because of the Federal Accounting Standards Board's mark-to-market 157 rule, Wall Street had to write off the lower value of these securities and raise more capital, diluting shareholders.
The thallium content of chook is also lower than safe edible value.
As for the remaining 80% tasks that give me lower value, I either put them off, delegate them or outsource them.
The traditional agile approach to prioritization is that user stories of higher business value should be implemented before ones of lower business value.
If the cake is disappointing, the decreased value will be tracked so that next time our expectations will be lower.
It can be unchecked to add lower and upper boundaries for the expected response code that provide a range value for the response code verification.
In contrast, the prices of "value" stocks (which have a poorer record but lower ratings) perform better than expected.
Lower bounded indicators are identified as unhealthy as they decrease in value (for example, the cache hit ratio indicator).
Increasing this value produces lower quality images, but requires less time to execute and display the chart. 0%.
On a 32-bit system, this sets all the bits, but on a 64-bit system, only the lower order 32-bits are set, resulting in the value 0x00000000ffffffff.
Ultimately, over time, the CLUSTERRATIO of the data decreases from 100 percent to a lower value.
The cache scope contributed by the portlet window always has precedence over the value contributed by the portlet definition, regardless of which is the higher or lower value.
Portlet窗口提供的缓存作用域始终优先于 Portlet定义所提供的值,而不考虑二者的相对大小。
Boost words: This dictionary specifies terms and phrases that raise or lower the rank value of the document in which the term appears.
As we can see the lower adjacent value (which ranges from 0.03 to 0.11 seconds) this value is much shorter than the upper adjacent value (which ranges from 0.20 to 0.33) seconds.
So, the judicious way of utilizing memory is to lower the value of lgpg_regions from 256 to a value of, say, 100.
Well, the change in f is the value of f at the upper point here, which is x0+delta x, and minus its value at the lower point P, which is f of x0, divided by delta x.
f的变量就是f在上面的点时的值,x0+deltax,减去f在下面的点P时的值,x0,再除以delta x。
In this paper I will introduce the major components of the value stream and explain how decisions flow to realize lower IT costs while simultaneously increasing company revenues.
In Britain the drop was more pronounced, with the volume of books down 4% and value down 6%, spurred lower by aggressive price competition in the major book chains and supermarkets.
It's a tall order, and at the moment Vietnam is seen as a production base for lower value-added goods like textiles, furniture or footwear.
Now lower the voltage to its previous value and the bar's vibrations slow down, but not to the original frequency.
But for makers of bulky lower-value goods such as furniture, toys and machinery, the ability to hedge shipping costs should prove a boon.
To the extent that savers earned lower returns on their deposit accounts, they were usually compensated by a rebound in the value of their equity holdings.
To make the extension required, set the value of the lower property to 1; to make it non-required, set it to 0.
要使扩展成为必须的,设置下面的属性值为1; 要设置它为非必须的,设置值为0。
In Europe, banking stocks fell amid concern that the value of loans to the emirate would have to be written sharply lower.
The plan of rewriting world record then emerges as the time requires under the effect of interest chain constructed by lower land value, needs of enterprises and abundant capital support.
Lower the threshold to a value less than one-tenth of a second to require certain matches specific to a typist.
Lower the threshold to a value less than one-tenth of a second to require certain matches specific to a typist.