The lure of money is strong for those who are greedy for wealth, but weak for those who regard material wealth as dung.
She couldn't withstand the lure of money and was dragged into the mire.
He couldn't resist the lure of money.
Though we all like to think ourselves free from the lure of money, we are often stuck in money making.
虽然我们都认为自己不受金钱的诱惑,但我们常常为赚钱所困, 而不能自拔。
The lure of big money is leading investment banks to ramp up their analysis of the latest boom industry.
It is a lure because during the bubble values are rising steeply, so an investor who exits before the bubble has peaked may be leaving a good deal of money on the table.
You do not know the rate of winning back your money but you cannot resist the lure of having a try, which is, almost surely, disastrous.
They tend to have the ideal script of using some money to lure you in, but this is never extensive.
Faced with the lure of social statuses and money, intellectuals find it difficult to stick to their principles.
Money will lure people to the evils of society, cause them to forget their high ideals and willingly follow the path to hell.
The lure of tighter money pushed sterling up to around $2.05 this week, a new 26-year high (see chart).
The lure of tighter money pushed sterling up to around $2.05 this week, a new 26-year high (see chart).