In this case, more information about the magic potion is available in the program than is ever displayed to the user.
Assume that there is a magic potion, and that the potion has properties including strength, power, and duration.
Types of magic. Moon is all about spells, the sun is more potion-based, though each type of witchcraft involves the other somehow.
For example, if the hidden magic potion is too far away, perhaps you can alter its location coordinates so that it conveniently ends up on the ground right in front of you!
Every day, the farmer's son walked many dangerous miles to the castle for his classes, but one morning a beautiful girl stepped out onto the path holding a magic potion.
Of all the magic in the series, he most wishes the Polyjuice Potion that allows one wizard to take the form of another could be a technological reality.
I think many are looking for the magic formula; a new, easy, melt the pounds away with no effort potion.
I think I'm addicted to email, or perhaps it's just my fearful mind oozing its magic potion to distract me from actually completing the project.
Beautiful woman's face, is to make men grovel the "magic potion", the sweet talk of men, is to make women into the embrace of the "trump card. "
Beautiful woman's face, is to make men grovel the "magic potion", the sweet talk of men, is to make women into the embrace of the "trump card. "