With that the construction of legal system has become the major event in the social life in China. Vary professions in the country manage themselves by law.
This page shows a timeline of the major events in the novel (with the occasional external historical event) and the approximate ages of the characters at the time.
The major event of the previous day was the SNB rate meeting; unsurprisingly the target rate was kept at 0.25%, but policy-makers also renewed their commitment to maintaining a weak currency.
The Olympic Games is a major sporting event where athletes all over the world gather together.
The last time a major earthquake occurred along the Cascadia fault was in 1700, so officials worry that another event could occur any time.
All of the event information is public, so authentication issues are of no major concern here.
The last major event began around a hundred thousand years ago, with a gradual cooling that lasted for tens of millennia.
Were you able to find any direct correlation between this and some event or major change in human life that occurred around the same time?
By contrast, she said, a major stressful event, like divorce, in itself raised the risk of depression by 40 percent.
The last American to win a major event was Phil Mickelson — at the Masters last year.
Stoops said the two major criteria involved in a successful COE evaluation are event factors and combat boarding rates.
So, the way it has worked out in practice is that companies, when they have a major announcement to make, they have some kind of web event.
Elektromotive last week provided Vauxhall with a number of Elektrobay recharging units to support a major UK media event promoting the forthcoming Ampera.
And volatility in prices of stocks and bonds and commodities could result from this "major event that the market is underestimating."
FOX and Seacrest are going to cover the Super Bowl like any major event, like an awards show.
Another 1, 856, 589 tonnes will result from fans travelling from around the world, making the world Cup's footprint the biggest of any major event aiming to be "climate neutral", the report said.
They have their cultural festivals (Last Night of the Proms in Cracow is already a major annual event).
This is where online data backup services come in. Even in the event of a major disaster, if your data is stored online or 'in the cloud' then it is safe.
Each event Bloom looked at created major doubts in the minds of executives about what to do next.
These bonds allow investors to diversify their assets and pay much higher interest rates to compensate for the risk of the issuer not repaying the principal in the event of a major catastrophe.
For example, the scientists found that during a major event, such as a strong earthquake, cells triggered a larger sensory response than they did during a mild earthquake.
I urge all the participants to use this event to show the world that they are committed to tackling diabetes and other major chronic diseases.
But now that Mandela - affectionately known by his clan name, Madiba - is retired, he has rarity value, making every public appearance a major event that brings the nation to its feet.
The event is being marked in many countries, with a major launch in New Delhi, India.
The astronauts could use the space station as a safe haven in the event of major problems and rotate back to Earth aboard Russian Soyuz spacecraft, eliminating the need for a shuttle rescue mission.
New submissions must be made within three days of the occurrence of such major Changes in the event that they had not been foreseen or planned for.
The reason you should take this trend seriously is that the meeting of Jupiter and Neptune in the futuristic sign of Aquarius is rare, and this event is considered one of the major features of 2009.
The reason you should take this trend seriously is that the meeting of Jupiter and Neptune in the futuristic sign of Aquarius is rare, and this event is considered one of the major features of 2009.