In it the majority of students will have conformed to the standard model of the time: male, middle class and Western.
The majority of students believe that learning English well will put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.
For the majority of students, the college life means acquiring special knowledge and skills.
The majority of students in the international department are of Chinese origin too, but have with overseas passports.
As a result, the majority of students experience communication breakdown and failure due to their poor pragmatic competence.
The majority of students who use Facebook every day are underachieving by as much as an entire grade compared with those who shun the site.
The majority of students cant use abbreviations and symbols for note taking, and therefore it often results in omitting some important contents.
Based on these institutions and the majority of students positive response, our next goal is to put the plan to expand into Beijing and Shanghai.
In schools, the language of the branch with the majority of students dominates the conversation, yet students from the same branch prefer their own language.
Tayler McCullough, 15, one of the test subjects, said the majority of students would welcome the extra hours in bed. "I'm extremely hard to get up in the morning."
Naomi's equality protests are great, and her 6 fundraisers have done a lot of good, but none of that is actually helping to improve the daily life of the majority of students.
The majority of students leaving university in coming months do not expect to land decent jobs, it was revealed, as the recession continues to have a "profound effect" on the employment market.
Once again the final exam is on unit 7 and 8 as students have taken three exams on all other chapters and the majority of students have demonstrated a solid understanding of those other units.
Now that women are the majority of college students and surpass men in both the number of undergraduate and advanced degrees awarded, one might think the college campus is a pretty equal place.
American principals, unlike the vast majority of principals around the world, make many hiring decisions with their sports teams in mind, which does not always end well for students.
“The vast majority of students apply for internships by location first, area of interest second, paid or unpaid third, and by name brand of the company fourth, ” Richards says.
The majority of people are simply not made to be interested students and disciplined citizens, according to Plato, most people just desire amusement and the freedom to do what they like.
Well, women now make up the majority of college and grad school students, even in many areas in science and technology traditionally considered to be men’s domains.
Granted, some details of the canvas are changing: women's share of the workforce is much higher than it was a generation ago, and they comprise the majority of university students in some countries.
Mr Graham says the vast majority of Kaplan's students are meeting their loan obligations.
However, due to various reasons, the majority of college students graduating does not have the entrepreneurial ability.
It's important to point out that the majority of my fellow students aren't snobs, despite all appearances.
The majority of the degrees in question were granted to Chinese students, the remainder to Russian students, according to the report.
The assignments are rather tough and we have to do homework every day. That's why you find the majority of Chinese students nearsighted and wearing glasses.
The majority of the DE GREes in question were granted to Chinese students, the remainder to Russian students, according to the report.
The majority of the DE GREes in question were granted to Chinese students, the remainder to Russian students, according to the report.