The new tax laws were rammed through regardless of the opposition of the majority of the people.
The most important factor for the majority of the people interviewed was having friendly, supportive colleagues.
The most important factor, for the majority of the people interviewed, was having friendly, supportive colleagues.
We will side with the majority of the people of Philadelphia who oppose this tax and take legal action to stop it.
So we will side with the majority of the people of Philadelphia who oppose this tax and take legal action to stop it.
The rapid growth results from the fact that the majority of the people fall into the middle of a left-skewed bell-shaped curve.
No, I don't call or text the majority of the people on my contact list.
The majority of the people used to have blind faith in the wisdom of the leaders.
This is against the will of the majority of the people and against the trend of the times.
The majority of the people present voted for him. He was elected President by a narrow majority.
Eighteen years of commotion had made the majority of the people ready to buy repose at any price.
I have been here, the prestige of the majority of the people, then we will go and the world is ours.
The United States is in the majority of the middle class, both the spending power of the majority of the people.
The majority of the people in this nation cannot appreciate or recognize the reasons Google cited for its departure.
A full explanation of our presence will in any event be given and we know it will satisfy the majority of the people.
Moreover, the majority of the people living in these far and away villages and small towns are neglected in many ways.
For the majority of the people having ethical awareness and concerns doesn't mean they will then buy ethical products.
This currency was first issued through co-operatives and factories, but the majority of the people had no confidence in it.
The majority of the people hold that teaching in classrooms is mainly conducted through verbal means but not nonverbal means.
Truly qualified to be rich, those who create jobs for more people, to open up the road for the majority of the people of the operators.
The majority of the people living in this area are unhappy about a plan to make their local airport bigger and increase the number of flights.
In overall terms, however, globalization is in the interest of the majority of the people in the world and therefore will continue into the future.
I pondered and reasoned that though many people are involved in tourism and farming activities near the Dead Sea, the majority of the people are not.
Passive euthanasia has been accepted by the majority of the people and the society of Japan, but active euthanasia has been opposed actively and tensely.
And there appears to be little or no doubt but that the majority of the people approved or acquiesced in the overall programs that were initiated in their names.
As a simple and effective exercise way, bicycle riding not only reduces excessive weight but also build up health, and is suitable for the majority of the people.
I have given you good opportunity because it's such a controversial question and the majority of the people in the United States would certainly not agree, would they?
I have given you good opportunity because it's such a controversial question and the majority of the people in the United States would certainly not agree, would they?