In one study, researchers interview 955 people involved in traffic accidents, the majority of them reported having daydream just before the accident.
The majority of them voted for this fighting slogan.
All are built from numberless atoms, the majority of them united into molecules.
And the majority of them had tried this before and failed — on average, six times.
I have nearly 700 Facebook friends, but I've never communicated with the majority of them.
All 88 species of lemurs are native to Madagascar, and the majority of them are endangered.
He very seldom pays for tattoos - the majority of them are presents from his friends-masters.
"The majority of them die of strange causes," he says, including alcohol abuse and accidents.
It added that the majority of them were young people from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Syria.
The majority of them really like pair programming and say they plan to continue using it whenever possible.
I am the youngest of 23 first Cousins on my father's side, the majority of them smokers with weight problems.
International media like to characterize Chinese youth as rebellious but in fact the majority of them are not.
"However," he says, "I believe the majority of them really understand and respect" the American architects' role.
Banks also pay interest at different times. But the majority of them pay semiannually — that is, every six months.
It is a common weak point among today's college students that the majority of them have little knowledge of social reality.
The majority of them are right, but some of them - maybe some of our most important players - need to improve a little bit.
Besides, the majority of them just apply one of pragmatic theories to the humor studies, for example, cooperative principle.
A few patients with simple steatosis may progress but the majority of them will not progress in terms of their liver disease.
Migrant workers in cities have made great contribution to the society, but the majority of them had no basic medical insurance.
In contrast, the majority of them are mentally alert and relatively free of disability and remain active members of their communities.
The majority of them are uneducated and adopt manual labor as their vocation which does not offer them enough income to make ends meet.
The majority of them provide only synchronous and one-way service invocation b, which are only a subset of the service interaction styles.
In their study, the majority of them are inclined to the cartoon-style's social background and the works of this style's market prospects.
If you had to think of a list of retail fails, the majority of them would probably have to do with the way a company interacts with customers.
Moreover, you now know after inspecting the tests that the reason the build takes three hours is that the majority of them are component tests.
According to a survey, when asked for the students what the most boring subject but have to learn is, the majority of them would say it is English.
Only some people who obtained medical education work as doctors. The majority of them earn their living being interpreters or assistants to foreign journalists.
Only some people who obtained medical education work as doctors. The majority of them earn their living being interpreters or assistants to foreign journalists.