But you can make material more interesting if you put some effort in before you pick up the book.
Sometimes my kids watch too much TV. Sometimes I spend too much time curled up in a chair reading a book, ignoring dust bunnies and the messes the kids make.
But suddenly a new Prince William turned up so I was able to make the book.
Open up my book gallery and I can see the collection of covers that make up my library.
This beautiful, well-researched book should make every meat-eater think differently about the lives of the animals that turn up on his or her plate.
Peter Buffett brilliantly put it in his book ‘Life Is What You Make It’ when he said, “If, in the many facets of life at which we are destined to be average, we come up a little short, so what?
Chapters Four to Seven make up the core of the book, with citations from cognitive psychological studies conducted by the author and other researchers.
That story is one of several that make up "How We Die", a book Dr Nuland wrote in 1993, after a lifetime of watching the effects of terminal illness.
The focus is on entering the industry, and detailed case studies of start-ups make up the last fourth of the book.
Publishers obviously incur costs when producing a book and only a small number of bestsellers make up the majority of most publishers' revenue.
'In the summer I sometimes get up before it's light, watch the sun come up, make a cup of tea, read a book, listen to birds... it's wonderful, really tranquil.'
Not even millions of years of profit Shijishushiwan also requires the agency to make up losses to book tax purposes, when the tax office is a fool?
If one gave her a book to read aloud, she'd make up the story when she couldn't guess the words.
Pagination: the numbering of the make-up pages in consecutive order of a book.
She looked up his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.
Pagination the numbering of the make-up pages in consecutive order of a book.
Even a modest amount of restoration would make these great buildings more inviting to children, who are often the first people to judge by appearances and the last to pick up a book outside of school.
Before the round endorsement on the shell to home-made round back on to the nucleus Raphe Magnus, facilitate its warm up and back, and make the back and middle neurorrhaphy book sealed shell.
Pagination: the numbering of the make - up pages in consecutive order of a book.
Guo is the most successful of a dozen young celebrity authors who make up the "post - '80s" generation, some others of whom have also achieved book sales in the millions.
Peter Buffett brilliantly put it in his book 'life is what You Make it' when he said, "if, in the many facets of life at which we are destined to be average, we come up a little short, so what?"
The essay maintains that the BOOK of POEMS is the source of the frontier poetry, and that war, travels in servitude and homesickness make up the basic contents of frontier poetry.
In the library, can be found outside the book knowledge, increase their extra-curricular knowledge, to make up for their lack of learned from textbooks.
Each problem and its solution are briefly described, and the lessons learned are molded into the practical guidelines that make up the book.
She looked up his number in the ph one book to make sure that she had got it right.
"Make sure and always get me into the book before page 120, " Kugelmass said to the magician one day. "I always have to meet her before she hooks up with this Rodolphe character.
"Make sure and always get me into the book before page 120, " Kugelmass said to the magician one day. "I always have to meet her before she hooks up with this Rodolphe character.