The idea that some shadowy group or other is running things for their own benefit, not that of the ordinary working man, is, after all, the constant solace of the unsuccessful.
New York is adopting the running-man sign in subways and new buildings.
Another part, called a "man in the middle" in the computer world, sends out those false sensor signals to make the system believe everything is running smoothly.
The man known simply as "Running Fan" lost his job, faced an audience's scorn on a "Jerry Springer" -style talk show and is mocked and caricatured relentlessly on the Internet.
GREAT WALL OF CHINA: the 4,160-mile barricade running from east to west is the world's longest man-made structure.
But unlike our current 2016 one, it seems a man called 'SHAW' was the hot candidate of the time - but what is he running for?
So far, the only suspect is a short, thin man who was seen running down Upper Street at 10 last night.
So far, the only suspect is a short thin man who was seen running down Corn Street at 10 p. m. last night.
So far, the only suspect is a short, thin man, who was seen running down Upper Street at 10 p. m last night.
In another shot, a man is sitting on a chalk overhang which already has a very obvious fault line running down the side.
This is the moment you will feel that you are running on empty or, as they say, the "man with the hammer" comes to visit.
While once again not an issue while running a 5 man instance where you will be the sole healer, this is nevertheless an important rule to remember.
There is no requirement for a full compliance with your man, waiting for you, feeling the need to pay each other, running is the most suitable.
Caption: : under the Orion's belt the jewelry sword is composed of a sapphire made by the reflection running man nebula and a ruby made by the emission great Orion nebula.
Then the drum sound in a running state sounds like a man who is chasing the sun tirelessly.
So far, the only suspect is a short thin man who was seen running down Corn Street at 10 p. m. last night.
That would be severely limiting the cheetah's ability and potential for running speed. Then is a cheetah still a cheetah?A cheetah is a cheetah and a man is a man.
Takao Inoue, the well-dressed man, is running a restaurant that had previously been owned by his grandfather and father.
The system is running stable and indicators achieve the design requirements with a good man-machine interface.
The CMOS integrated circuit is applied to form the main control logic units. The links of protection realization are expounded in the light of the running characteristics of man-riders.
The doctor can no longer evade his own difficulty by treating the difficulties of others: the man who suffers from a running abscess is not fit to perform a surgical operation.
First of all, in the excersice it explicitedly asks to have both a negative to the positive, you are misisng a negative for "I am running" and for "She is eating" and "The man is working".
用肯定特征和否定特征分别描述六个人在做什么:一个女人、一个男人、一个女孩、一个男孩、你和我。 例如:我正坐在餐桌旁吃饭。
The man said, "my horse is good at running, my driver is highly skilled at driving a carriage, and I am rich."
The man said, "my horse is good at running, my driver is highly skilled at driving a carriage, and I am rich."