We should analyze the market mechanism in the speciality setup and adjustment.
This article focuses cn the study of the market mechanism of fiscal transparency.
The value of currencies was meant to be regulated by supply and demand the market mechanism .
The second step is to improve the market mechanism, as competition freely and widely is needed.
We can also find that the market mechanism brings the maximum efficiency to the current power market.
Business organizations main preoccupation is susceptible to the market mechanism and the state of economy.
The government can monopolize the primary land market and ensure that the market mechanism holds the system.
Therefore, GA can be seen as the market mechanism of economic world (as the information revelation mechanism).
Meanwhile, marketability also has an effect on social stratification in so far as the market mechanism counts.
The market mechanism for wetland ecosystem services can accelerate wetland conservation, restoration and construction.
It analyses the barriers in the development of agricultural circulation economy from the external and the market mechanism.
The economical characteristics of rural infrastructure can not simply rely on the market mechanism to achieve effective supply.
Being the public goods nature, the ecological environment is not effective to be provided simply by relying on the market mechanism.
Mr Hurwicz took up economics at a time when debate was raging about the relative merits of central planning and the market mechanism.
Firms are not only one of the kinds of economic subjects, but also the economic mechanism which can take the place of the market mechanism.
Now in the period of transition to the market mechanism, there are obstacles mainly in system environment and the exterior market environment.
Of course, the procurement out of the market mechanism to digest not enough slack in flexible product may also result in substantial inventory.
Fiscal policy transmission mechanism directly reflects the efficiency of the market mechanism and it also affects the effects of fiscal policy.
The traditional property right cannot be transacted that make difficulty to allocate the health service resources through the market mechanism.
Moreover, although the market mechanism was far less afflicted than central planning by such incentive problems, it was by no means immune from them.
The efficiency implies that in the equilibrium price system the market mechanism can realize the maximum whole benefit of the centralized mechanism.
And our country must adhere to the monopoly system of national tobacco, demand to introduce the market mechanism and competition mechanism again at the same time.
As a transition economy, the market mechanism of China is not mature, and this leads to the market environment of natural monopoly in China's is great particularity.
Based on PPP mode, introducing the market mechanism and encouraging the commercial insurance companies to take part in the medical security system become a feasible way.
Based on PPP mode, introducing the market mechanism and encouraging the commercial insurance companies to take part in the medical security system become a feasible way.