Our company has been studying the Matthew effect in merger and acquisition.
That's the Matthew effect, those who hath little get even that taken away and thrown into prison.
So we may ask that the Matthew Effect that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer is really an unchangeable law?
Strengthen construction of media and content of STC and treat the authority correctly, prevent negative result of Matthew effect.
The investigation indicates that there exists Matthew effect in international collaboration of mechanics research.
The two-edged actions of Matthew Effect in education have double functions.
In the search engine market in China, there exists direct network effect, indirect network effect, Matthew effect and herding effect.
"Inequality has the natural and necessary effect... Of materializing our upper class, vulgarizing our middle class, and brutalizing our lower class" (Matthew Arnold).
"Inequality has the natural and necessary effect... Of materializing our upper class, vulgarizing our middle class, and brutalizing our lower class" (Matthew Arnold).