The maximum amount of time an element will take to register to ARM is set to 3 minutes.
The idle-timeout-seconds element specifies the maximum amount of time a bean remains in the cache.
idle-timeout-seconds元素指定bean 驻留缓存中的最长时间。
The inactivity timeout property controls the maximum amount of time to keep an inactive session alive.
Doing this work before your year of service begins will give you the maximum amount of time to achieve your goals.
This timeout value is the maximum amount of time that the client that sends a search request can wait for a response before timing out.
And the research indicates that the maximum amount of time an event could be hidden is also small - perhaps no longer than 120 microseconds.
Then families will be able to spend the maximum amount of time enjoying each other's company and the minimum amount of time doing housework.
For this solution to work smoothly, study the maximum amount of work that can be done at each step and the time interval to allow between steps.
It also allows control over the maximum amount of CPU time available to a particular job, which is quite useful for an administrator.
Now, the amount of the gift was actually less than the maximum amount allowed, and it really didn't take my manager that much time to find out what I would like.
Your main objective should be to gather a maximum amount of diagnostic information just before and around the time of a problem.
The contract executed by a creditor and a debtor for the continuous transaction of a specific commodity in a given period of time may be accompanied by a contract of mortgage of maximum amount.
A TimedTest takes as parameters a test and a maximum amount of time for the test to execute.
The most successful projects spend the right amount of time preparing and planning before development so that it yields the maximum benefits.
This option will require the maximum amount of run time, but can potentially provide the most insight into an infeasibility problem.
Therefore, it allows a person to get the maximum amount of nutrition while still allowing the digestive organs time to rest and heal.
Humidifier capacity is the maximum amount of water the humidifier can hold at any one time, and varies from 0.5 to 6 gallons, depending on the size of the humidifier.
Maximum impact and progress in the minimum amount of time, or for participants with limited time availability;
The power output can be manually adjusted to provide the most accurate amount of light in all conditions and a short recycle time ensures quick responsiveness even when using the maximum power output.
The power output can be manually adjusted to provide the most accurate amount of light in all conditions and a short recycle time ensures quick responsiveness even when using the maximum power output.