I often thought about this life the meaning of existence, and finally the conclusion is, all is vanity.
Everyone at one time or another has questioned the meaning of existence, or wanted to take revenge on an enemy.
Because of this may be left out next to your girlfriend, but absolutely not ignore you the meaning of existence.
Therefore, only through listening to the voice of 'conscience 'can we understand the meaning of existence and return to the authentic existence.
I have always felt like Valentine's day this holiday similar in my life, and life has its little without it, many did not like the meaning of existence.
This is a collection of objects that go through with photography, it's about a dialogue with my mum, I hope to explore the objects with her to bring her the meaning of existence.
If stuck at the level of the meaning of the universe and existence, this thought is total rubbish.
In other words, the assumptions give existence or meaning to the presupposition of strategy-following behavior.
When this life is over, let the meaning of our lives be found not on a list of accomplishments, but in the hearts and souls of the people with whom we Shared our fragile existence.
To ponder interminably over the reason for one’s own existence or the meaning of life in general seems to me, from an objective point of view, to be sheer folly.
File status calls (meaning calls made to the underlying file system to check for the existence of a file) can be quite costly in terms of performance.
When hearing that the existence of the cosmos contains no purpose and no meaning, he flipped out and shouted: "Why do you think about this?"! It was a total waste of time!
当讲到,宇宙的存在是没有目的没有意义的时候,他拍案而起,喝说:“你想这些东西有什么意义?” !全是在浪费时间!
Search for meaning by reading and reflection: The search itself will help restore a degree of sense and purpose to existence.
Second, the economy of words results in the existence of semantic gaps and the opaqueness of the explicit meaning of the idiom.
To the ultimate questions of human existence it provides answers which satisfy the most developed and discriminating members of the society and the fateful question of the meaning of life.
Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. -aristotle.
This article expounds the basic meaning of criminal discretion of judges, analyses the needs for its existence, putting forward a basic system to limit the judges' criminal discretion reasonably.
To inquire after the meaning or object of one's own existence or that of all creatures has always seemed to me absurd from an objective point of view.
To inquire after the meaning or object of one's own existence or that of all creatures hasalways seemed to me absurd from an objective point of view.
The main connotation of ultimate concern is to question closely both the meaning and value of human existence, to look after the end-result of spirit.
One important reason for studying philosophy is that it deals with fundamental questions about the meaning of our existence.
All these have told us the same: everyone has a basic hope of existence. Once it's broken, one would lost oneself and the meaning of life.
All these have told us the same: everyone has a basic hope of existence. Once it's broken, one would lost oneself and the meaning of life.