Man is the measure of all things is the existence of existence, there is no scale of does not exist.
"Gandhi's teachings cannot be squared with the belief that Man is the measure of all things," Orwell warned, correctly.
“Gandhi's teachings cannot be squared with the belief that Man is the measure of all things,” Orwell warned, correctly.
Goods are to be made and supplied, insofar as they can be turned into money... ultimately, money becomes the measure of all things, including itself.
Whether you credit Mad Men (2007-2015) or Breaking Bad (2008-2013), TV's recent Renaissance began with a literal interpretation of moral relativism: Man is the measure of all things.
无论你是否对《广告狂人》(2007- 2015)或《绝命毒师》(2008 - 2013)赞誉有加,(你都不能否认)近期电视荧屏的复兴始于对道德相对论的文学解读:男性是衡量万物的唯一准则。
In a world where humans are the measure of all things, every unique manifestation of life becomes merchandise and rare butterflies have little chance of living out their own evolutionary destiny.
People in many countries use kilograms, centimetres, square meters, litres, and Celsius. These are all ways to measure things. They are all part of the metric system.
Still, I could never count , measure the amount , of all the things you are to me .
Many IT professionals measure the success of a technology deployment by all the things they did, but some say a successful virtualization implementation often can be the result of things IT didn't do.
Many IT professionals measure the success of a technology deployment by all the things they did, but some say a successful virtualization implementation often can be the result of things IT didn't do.