He criticized the media hype over the so-called zhuangyuan.
I think the reason people see it as such a big problem is the media hype.
You'll forgive me if I don't believe the media hype over the alleged death of Mumar Gaddafi.
Oil spills and underwater drilling accidents are common, and despite the media hype it is too soon to tell whether this one will prove to be the biggest yet.
Fans in the crowd were mostly appreciative of the photograph, though some were more impressed by his football prowess than the media hype for this latest underwear campaign.
In spite of the media hype on China-India relation, I am in firm belief that China and India are partners for cooperation, rather than rivalries or bitter competitors as some one have claimed.
I started out by asking Foltz-Smith what the Wolfram | Alpha team thought of all the media hype around their product, particularly about the "Google Killer" theme which many media outlets reveled in.
开始时我问福尔茨·史密斯,Wolfram |Alpha团队对那些天花乱坠地报道他们产品、特别是大肆宣传“Google杀手”的媒体有什么看法。
We're still in the early stages of social media as in the early days of the web and online fundraising, so, we are in the "it's hype, and not going to last" phase.
Despite media hype to the contrary, it is extremely unusual for a child to be accurately diagnosed with autism and then "recover" perfect normalcy.
The ‘curse’ that blighted those who opened the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun was a triumph of media hype and public susceptibility.
The challenge is to look beyond the hype of companies and media and see the trends from the fads.
While admitting that the AD has helped drive traffic to his Taobao store, Mr. Liu denied that he's trying to create media hype.
Email may have taken a backseat role to social media hype, but it's still a very powerful tool when used correctly. It is the cornerstone of permission-based relationship marketing.
She USES as an example the evolution of media hype generated by socialite Paris Hilton, which shifted to the Kardashian family and, last year, to the Gosselins.
I've concluded that most of the hype around social media is nonsense and that people, particularly the self-proclaimed social media elite are clothing-less.
At that time all the Soviet newspapers also joined the congratulational hype across the country. International media also couldn’t pass by the sensational news from the Evil Empire.
The situation today - safe area or not, has unfortunately changed, largely due to media hype about how "kiddie snatchers" lurk on every corner, and how no child is safe anywhere.
Some netizens wondered if the traditional and Internet media are deliberately highlighting the "rich young man" aspect in order to hype up the story.
Recently "Chinese people buy up milk powder" is becoming a topic of some media hype in the Germany famous for machinery manufacturing industry.
However, on a more serious note - is all this unreal? Is this all media hype? Aren't we already in the middle of a recession?
These two neglected aspects of Internet hype and culture led to the trouncing of erstwhile promising web media companies while their business models were exposed as wishful thinking.
With all the hype from the media, more and more people are starting to realize the importance of going green and making lifestyle choices that are environmentally responsible.
They also always live the simple life and keep a low profile, rarely becoming involved with media hype, "he added."
Under this Settings, some western medias are willing to enhanced the popularity of "products quality" by media hype.
Under this Settings, some western medias are willing to enhanced the popularity of "products quality" by media hype.