The medicine man is played by Hadi Subiyanto, a flute player the filmmakers found in Jakarta.
这们药师就由哈迪. \ n苏比安图扮演,电影制作人在雅加达找到的一位长笛演奏者。
The medicine man is a biological toxin production, research and drug development in one of the bio-pharmaceutical companies.
The other day the medicine man told me that he knows sixteen different meditation techniques, and many mantras for all different purposes.
Our Yoga teacher had told us in advance that we could each bring one question or problem to the medicine man, and he would try to help us with our troubles.
I explained to the medicine man that I've been having the same horrible nightmare since childhood, namely that there is a man with a knife standing next to my bed.
What is the nature of the scientific attitude, the attitude of the man or woman who studies and applies physics, biology, chemistry, geology, engineering, medicine or any other science?
Strong man though he was, there is no doubt that he had behaved rather foolishly over the medicine.
A bad man, Pang Meng heard about the magic medicine and wanted to steal it.
Another man said that hospitals had no medicine and that if someone needed treatment, they had to go to the market and buy the drugs needed for doctors to administer.
Almost before he has finished his sentence, another man jumps into the conversation, pleading for food and medicine.
Man ages and dies at the same rate as primates, despite our access to modern medicine and increasingly sophisticated technology, according to a study.
"And, ladies and gentlemen," the man continued, "I'm not going to charge you a hundred dollars a bottle for this wonderful medicine."
A wise man, try to make yourself happy. Happiness is the best medicine, no side effects.
Jack is re-taken prisoner by Joaquin, an evil medicine man who is the Keeper of the Badlands.
A study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine even found that the longer a man sits at a desk at work, the greater his chances are of being overweight.
Tea, Lois? It's a calming herbal blend. I learned it from a medicine man in Fiji. The secret is the fresh mint.
The doctor promised that the medicine he had prescribed would ease the poor man of his suffering.
The medic station boasts a number of supplies. Volunteers man the station but only give out homeopathic medicine, since they are not licensed professionals.
"Ketut, why is life all crazy like this?" I asked my medicine man the next day.
Old man with child the sufferer is a main service to consults with the medicine object.
Chinese medicine in particular, pay attention to Heaven and Man, think that changes in the weather have a decisive impact on health.
A medicine man also lives in the Ewok village, a keeper of mystical lore, and a healer to the injured.
However, a bad man, Feng Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not home.
Edmonds also played Logray, the Ewok medicine man.
Edmonds also played Logray, the Ewok medicine man.