The countries that have inspired the Mediterranean diet all surround the Mediterranean Sea.
The Mediterranean diet is based upon the eating patterns of traditional cultures in the Mediterranean region.
In Europe, parts of Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, and southern France adhere to principles of the Mediterranean diet, as do Morocco and Tunisia in North Africa.
It's no secret that the Mediterranean diet is healthy, but it was also a joy to prepare and eat.
There are still a lot of unanswered questions in this area, but fish and seafood are a major part of the Mediterranean diet.
The study also showed that the Mediterranean diet is as high or higher in fat than other diets, obtaining up to forty percent of all its calories from fat.
The study also showed that the Mediterranean diet is as high as or higher in fat than other diets, obtaining up to forty percent of all its calories from fat.
International interest in the therapeutic qualities of the Mediterranean diet began back in the late 1950s, when medical researchers started to link the occurrence of heart disease with diet.
Following the Mediterranean diet slows down the cognitive decline.
The Mediterranean diet emphasizes whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
The Mediterranean diet is a diet followed by many nations in the Mediterranean Sea region.
It is one of the reasons people who eat the Mediterranean diet live such long healthy lives.
They then assessed how strongly they followed the Mediterranean diet through a 14-item questionnaire.
然后,通过一份有14个问题的问卷,研究人员可以了解到他们在何种程度上遵从地中海式饮食。 %。
The Mediterranean diet -- one heavy on veggies, nuts and fruit, with limits on meat and dairy -- is the way to go.
Physical exercise is a basic component and an integral part of the Mediterranean diet and a vital source of the Brain health.
The earlier findings about the benefits of the Mediterranean diet are confirmed, he says, and napping seems to help on top of that.
Adherence to the Mediterranean diet reduces mortality, Professor D. Trichopoulos, of the University of Athens said in an interview.
Of course there are still a lot of unanswered questions in this area, but Fish and Seafood are a major part of the Mediterranean Diet.
The Mediterranean diet includes vegetables, whole grains, fish, legumes, fruit, and moderate red wine. The main cooking fat is olive oil.
Olive oil is one of the most important products of the Mediterranean diet and a very important element of the Greek civilization and culture.
The authors concluded that a traditional the Mediterranean diet enriched with nuts could be a useful tool in the management of metabolic syndrome.
The researchers tested the subjects’ mental acuity at three-year intervals, and tracked their degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet on a 55-point scale.
The Mediterranean diet — heavy on vegetables, fish and olive oil, with moderate amounts of wine— may be associated with slower rates of mental decline in the elderly.
Follow the Mediterranean diet pattern of mostly plant foods, limiting animal protein to fish and poultry, using olive oil as the principal fat and use wine in moderation.
The natural foods in the Mediterranean diet are high in antioxidants, which protect cells from the oxidative damage that causes diseases, and they have immune-boosting compounds.
The Mediterranean diet is high in monounsaturated fats such as olive oil and also relies heavily on whole-grain cereals, fruits and vegetables, fish and low consumption of animal fats.
Compared to traditional American menu - high in red meat and in butter and other dairy products - the Mediterranean diet is lower in saturated fat, more varied and often more satisfying.
Compared to traditional American menu - high in red meat and in butter and other dairy products - the Mediterranean diet is lower in saturated fat, more varied and often more satisfying.