Ancelotti was ready to take some of the blame for the defeat to the Bergamaschi, but believes that the main reason for the Rossoneri's struggles is down to the men in black.
Many American people have seen Amish families, with the men wearing broad-brimmed black hats and the women in long dresses, in railway or bus terminals.
Many American people have seen Amish families with the men wearing broad-brimmed black hats and the women in long dresses, in railway or bus terminals.
My stepfather was a former priest, one of the early black men ordained to the priesthood in the United States.
The six men were black and said they all had roots in neighbouring Mali and Niger, although some had been born in Libya and had Libyan citizenship.
Researchers speculate, for example, that black men are less likely than black women to become obese, in part because within the black community they would face a higher stigma.
Mr Siebers then told the video store in Denver, Colorado, that he had been attacked by three men dressed in black on his way to work.
Some served as soldiers in black units in the Union Army, which allowed its men, black and white, to take their guns home with them as partial payment of past due wages.
The single most surprising finding in the report, Passel says, is that 22% of newly wed black men married women who were not black.
In California, for example, among 25-to-34-year-old African Americans, 14 percent of the married black women and 32 percent of the married black men had spouses of a different race, Edmonston noted.
Professor Montgomery says in his foreword to the report that the DNA profiles of over three-quarters of young black men between 18 to 35 are recorded on the database.
Because most seek husbands of the same race-96% of married black women are married to black men-they are ultimately fishing in the same pool.
The majority of black men in the North had remained outside the struggle. Nothing was happening in the ghettos .
北方大多数黑人一直不参与斗争,黑人区里一切平平静静,没有人 打破这种平静。
We rode past men praying to Mecca, children playing in the sea and - occasionally - an ageing white woman with a strapping black man half her age.
In the video, six men and women — half with white shirts and half with black — are tossing around a couple of basketballs.
In late summer and early fall, they picked cotton in the fields beside black men and women, and if there was ever a conflict there, I was too dumb to see it.
In the US, the image featured three employees sitting around a meeting table - one white woman, and two men, one black and one Asian.
When he saw the door of a church hung in black, he entered: he sought out funerals as other men seek christenings.
As a vehicle rattles toward the tent, two young men emerge, their long black hair horizontal in the wind.
The cable network A&E staged a mock funeral to promote “Chris Angel Mindfreak” — complete with coffins carried by men wearing black lipstick — in the middle of a main walkway.
Men in white shirts and black pants directed new customers with the efficiency of traffic cops, shepherding them to tables as soon as they became vacant.
Black men, on the other hand, bucked the trend and reached a record-high life expectancy of 70.2 years in 2008, up by 0.2 years compared to 2007.
Renaissance artists in particular enjoyed portraying the wise men with different racial characteristics: one European, one vaguely Asiatic magus and always a black African.
It arrests 1.5m of its citizens each year for drug offences, locking up half a million of them; tougher drug laws are the main reason why one in five black American men spend some time behind bars.
Cafe worker Pappu Mishra said two men dressed in black walked into the station pulling guns from their bags and shooting commuters.
咖啡店工作人员帕普·米什拉(Pappu Mishra)说,两名黑衣男子走进火车站,从包里拿出枪向乘客扫射。
The proportion of black men participating in the labour force fell from 74% in 1972 to 67% last year.
The “Men in Black” ride at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, in which passengers shoot at animatronic aliens, is a good example of what industry types like to call an “immersive” experience.
The “Men in Black” ride at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, in which passengers shoot at animatronic aliens, is a good example of what industry types like to call an “immersive” experience.