The mercenaries are reportedly fighting alongside Gadhafi loyalists.
But the mercenaries he employs may think differently: they are paid to fight, but not to the death.
They say the mercenaries were rounded up and paid to fight. And they have found id CARDS from Niger and Chad to prove it.
The establishment of the Jewish community on the island of Elephantine was linked with the mercenaries of the Dynasty 26.
After several hours, the mercenaries found themselves in an unfavorable position and some wanted to depart on the aircraft, which needed fuel.
Thatcher was embroiled in the plot and pleaded guilty in South Africa to unwittingly funding a purchase of an aircraft allegedly linked to the mercenaries.
The teeth revealed that he came from south-west England - unlike, historians have recently suggested, crew who may have been press-ganged prisoners of war or Mediterranean mercenaries.
They had, instead, shot it in the head. To Osama, this was proof that they were mercenaries: “They are not Libyans,” he said, shaking his head.
But by 1638 thousands of the peasants and their samurai mercenaries had been slaughtered.
This attack could not be justified.But the report also notes an influx of volunteers and mercenaries from Russia to South Ossetia before the conflict.
At the Aruba School, contained in a series of cold, thinly insulated classrooms, roughly 200 suspected mercenaries huddle beneath blankets on mattresses on the floor.
These soldiers would have been among the more experienced and better-equipped fighters that day (foreign mercenaries were there, too).
If you’ve scoffed at the fortunes spent and uttered the phrase ‘a bunch of mercenaries’ in the past couple of years ask yourself this…would you like your team to face them at the moment?
Wall Street has always had its share of mercenaries, hired guns for sale to the highest bidder.
Today Libya's tyrant is paying mercenaries to shoot his people in the streets like "rats" and "cockroaches".
The men in this photo were mercenaries supplied by the British, and as you can see, they had to pull their cannons and large shot artillery by hand, rather like beasts of burden.
Simon Mann, who goes on trial in Equatorial Guinea today, is an Old Etonian adventurer who has spent most of his decidedly mixed career in the murky world of special forces and mercenaries.
Because they have megabucks stashed away. Provisions for the long haul. Live in gated compounds with mercenaries guarding them.
Provisions for the long haul. Live in gated compounds with mercenaries guarding them.
"Yesterday I had only 18 fighters," the Qomendan said, his unwavering gaze fixed on a point somewhere in the middle of the low-ceilinged room. "You saw how many mercenaries and Americans were there."
It was on December 25, 1776, that General George Washington and his army made their historic crossing of the Delaware River to attack the British 'Hessian mercenaries' in Trenton, New Jersey.
The British, commanded by General William Howe, landed 32,000 men including 9,000 German mercenaries (Hessians), on Long Island in July 1776.
The British, commanded by General William Howe, landed 32,000 men including 9,000 German mercenaries (Hessians), on Long Island in July 1776.